Caleb Sample's repositories
Setting customized sub-regional dose constraints on the contralateral parotid, optimizing VMAT plan, and running plan checker using Varian Eclipse scripting API (ESAPI)
code corresponding to the 2023 work: Neural blind deconvolution for simultaneous partial volume effect correction and super-sampling of PSMA PET images. Here, neural blind deconvolution, as proposed by Ren et al. 2020 ( is adapted for pve mitigation/super-sampling of PSMA PET images.
Simple program for converting dicom images and structure sets to nrrd files. This will create mask images of structures corresponding to an image series, and exported nrrd files can then be used for pyradiomics.
This program finds the probability of reflection/transmission for any initial wave-packet incident upon any potential.
PyTorch implementation of UNet and MultiResUnet for autosegmentation of medical CT image structures.
Calculating SUV statistics for structures registered with PET images.
This program emails users whenever a Canucks goal is scored.
A multipurpose tool for medical physics.
Script for determining optimal jaw calibration point on a linac for matching junctions at specific gantry/collimator angles
#this code was used for model training as in the article "PSMA PET as a predictive tool for sub-regional importance estimates in the parotid gland"