samoht / ocaml-annot

OCaml annot updated to work with latest 3.10+ annot file format (with Call/Ident info)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

== Annot 0.9.1 ==

This is the source code for Annot, a tool to lookup annotations for
Objective Caml source code. The main purpose is to lookup the type
annotation for a given identifier in an OCaml source file from within an
editor.  Annot works by taking the line and column of the identifier
and looking up the information in an annotations file produced by the
OCaml compiler:

    $ annot -type 57 5 main.annot
    string -> (in_channel -> 'a) -> 'a

The code above looks up the type annotation for an identifier in, at line 57, column 5. The invocation of this command is
typically bound to a key in an editor rather than invoked explicitly in
a shell.  For full documentation, please refer to the manual page

OCaml 3.09 introduced the -dtypes compiler flag that causes the compiler
to write annotation files. Hence, invoking compiler runs with -dtypes
keeps the annotation files up to date. Currently the compiler only
generates type annotations; however, in principle other annotations
could be looked up as well.


Annot is implemented in Objective Caml. To compile it from source code,
try the following:

    ./configure --prefix=/usr/local
    make install

The configure script tries to locate all necessary tools and generates a
file that is included by the main Makefile. If something goes
wrong, try running "./configure -v".

The latest tested version is OCaml 3.11.0 and 3.11.1.


To use Annot from Vim, include the following code into your ~/.vimrc
file (also provided in editors/):

    function! OCamlType()
        let col  = col('.')
        let line = line('.')
        let file = expand("%:p:r")
        echo system("annot -n -type ".line." ".col." ".file.".annot")
    map ,t :call OCamlType()<return>

The key combination ",t" (without quotes) looks up the type annotation
for the identifier under the cursor.

Instructions for other editors can be found in the editors/ directory.


The source code is a literate program for the NoWeb literate programming
tools and resides in the *.nw file in directory src/. However, you don't
need NoWeb to compile and install the Annot.  The configure detects when
NoWeb is installed otherwise uses Perl script tools/nofake to extract
the Objective Caml code code from the *.nw files.

If you have the NoWeb tool chain installs you can use make to produce
PDF files from *.nw files by executing "make main.pdf", for example.
Note that the Nofake tool that comes as part of the Annot source code is
not enough to build the PDF documentation. For this you need the real
NoWeb tools. These are available on Debian as package "nowebm".


Please see the manual page annot.pod for the exact copyright. 


Anil Madhavapeddy

Christian Lindig (original author)


OCaml annot updated to work with latest 3.10+ annot file format (with Call/Ident info)


Language:Perl 89.8%Language:Vim Script 10.2%