samiulAbid / GoBuildSublimeWindows

Creating a sublime-build system for 'GO' Language for windows users.

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Two methods of running .go program is stated below( "Method 1" describes " 'go' build system creation inside sublime text 3 and then running .go programs by a single-click", whereas, "Method 2" describes "running .go programs usind cmd").

So, definitely, "Method 1" is the method we are looking for in order to create a 'go' build system in sublime text 3.

But even after that a reading of "Method 2" is necessary for gaining insight about what is actually happening behind the screen although we will only follow "Method 1".


  1. .go compiler must be installed and necessary settings must be done prior to going for "Method 1".
  2. go.exe path must be included in the "path" variable of "Environment Variables".

How to open cmd(or command prompt):

Just press windows_key+R . A little window titled "Run" will pop-up. Inside the
window, there will be a box and inside the box, write "cmd" (without quotes)
and hit ENTER. A black screen wil be opened. That's your cmd(or command prompt).

How to navigate to a specific folder inside cmd?:

1) if you want to navigate to a folder which is located anywhere in "C" drive, in cmd,
     then type in cmd:
          "cd <full-path-to-the-folder>" (without quotes) and hit ENTER.
   For example, if you want to navigate to the folder "C:\Documents",
     then, type in cmd: "cd C:\Documents" (without quotes) and hit ENTER.
     You will be inside the folder "C:\Documents" (in cmd).
2) but if you want to navigate to a folder which is located in any drive other than "C" drive,
    then type in cmd:
           "cd <full-path-to-the-folder> && drive_letter:" (without quotes)
    and hit ENTER. (drive_letter=D or E or F or G etc)
    For example, if you want to navigate to the folder "G:\test1\subtest1",
      then, type in cmd: "cd G:\test1\subtest1 && G:" (without quotes) and hit ENTER.
      You will be inside the folder "G:\test1\subtest1" (in cmd).

Method 1 (for running .go program inside sublime text):


  1. At first, read "Method 2" below to gain a complete idea of how the whole process works(all the steps of "Method 2" from 1 to 6).

  2. Create a folder called "go" where you will create all your 'go' projects in the future. Copy "go_program_File_Structure_Creator.bat" and "template_GO_Program_Runner.bat" and paste them inside this folder. I repeat, this is the same folder inside which you are going to create your 'go' project (e.g:"xxxxxx_project")(see step-1 of "Method 2").

  3. Open the file "Go.sublime-build" in sublime text 3(or any other editor of your choice). Replace "<full-path-to-template_GO_Program_Runner.bat>" (without quotes) with the full path of your "template_GO_Program_Runner.bat" file(see the detailed instructions inside "Go.sublime-build" itself). Save "Go.sublime-build". Now, open sublime text. In sublime text's top menubar, click "Preferences > Browse Packages". A folder will pop-up. Inside this folder, a folder with name = "User" will be present. Navigate inside this folder("User") and just copy-paste "Go.sublime-build" inside it(inside the folder "User"). Then, close sublime text editor.

  4. Now, double-click "go_program_File_Structure_Creator.bat" (in order to create "xxxxxx_project"). ( Note: After double-clicking, a pop up window will appear and it will ask you to enter the name of the project. If you want to create "xxxxxx_project", name of the project will be only= "xxxxxx" (with quotes) ; speaking more easily, if, for example, you want to create a project called "helloWorld_project", then, in the pop-up window, you must only enter: "helloWorld" (with quotes) as the name of the project ; in this example, "xxxxxx"="helloWorld"). If these are done, the "xxxxxx_project" (including all its subfolders) will be automatically created. A blank .go program file will be automatically generated with name = "xxxxxx.go"(for example, "helloWorld.go" (if the project was: "helloWorld_project")) inside the folder: "<full-path-to-the-folder-named-xxxxxx_project>\src\main" (for example, inside: "G:\Programming_folder\go\helloWorld_project\src\main"). Now, write your .go program inside the blank file "xxxxxx.go" (by opening it inside sublime text) and then save it.

  5. Code running: Open your .go program in sublime text 3. In the sublime top menubar:

    Select "Tools > Build System > Go" and click "Tools > Build" to run your .go program.

    A pop-up console will open and show your outputs. The console also can take inputs.

    ** N.B: here, "xxxxxx.go" program is the main .go program.

From the next time, every time when you will require to run any arbitrary .go program, you will at first need to perform the task of step no: 4 (Method -1) only once and then simply follow step no:5 (Method-1) to run the .go program just like any other sublime build system. Even if you need to modify your .go program, even then, you need to follow step-4(Method-1) only once and after that you may modify your .go program as many times as you want and follow step-5(Method-1) to run your .go program.

*N.B: If by any reason, you run a .go program and the new pop-up window opens but you do not find any output there, then just press a single key (any key from your keyboard), then, you will see your ouput.

Alternatively:: Method 2 (for running .go program Manually inside cmd):

This method is a tedious process, so, read with patience.



go program's file structure creator starts


  1. At first, create a folder called "go" and then create a blank folder (inside the folder "go") and name it(the blank folder): "xxxxxx_project". For example, "helloWorld_project" . (Here, xxxxxx = helloWorld).

  2. Then inside the newly created folder, i.e, inside the folder "xxxxx_project", create three blank folders and name them as: "src", "bin" and "pkg" (of couse, without inverted comma).

  3. Then create a blank folder inside the "src" folder, and name it "main".

  4. Inside the "main" folder, (i.e, inside "<full-path-to-the-folder-named-xxxxxx_project>\src\main" , (for example, inside: "G:\programming_folder\go\helloWorld_project\src\main")) create your .go program(or .go code). ##################################################################################

go program's file structure creator ends



go program's running arrangement starts


  1. Open cmd. Navigate to "xxxxxx_project" folder in cmd. Now, inside cmd, type these two commands one after another:

       (i) Command 1:
     set GOPATH="<full-path-to-the-folder-named-xxxxxx_project>"
     ( for example,
         set GOPATH="G:\Programming_folder\go\helloWorld_project")
             After typing the above command in cmd, hit ENTER.
        (ii) Command 2:
                  set GOBIN="<full-path-to-the-folder-named-xxxxxx_project>\bin"
              ( for example,
                 set GOBIN="G:\Programming_folder\go\helloWorld_project\bin" )
              After typing the above command in cmd, hit ENTER.
  2. Now, inside the cmd, navigate to the "<full-path-to-the-folder-named-xxxxxx_project>\src\main" folder (for example, "G:\programming_folder\go\helloWorld_project\src\main") where you have already created your .go program. Now, to execute your .go code, type in the cmd (by the way, the following .go program is the main .go program):

       go run basename_of_your_go_program.go
      for example, if the name of your .go program is "addition.go", then
       basename_of_your_go_program = addition


go program's running arrangement ends

################################################################################## Cheers!!!!!!!!!!! You are all done!!!!!!!!!!!!.


Creating a sublime-build system for 'GO' Language for windows users.


Language:Batchfile 100.0%