samdenty / injectify

Perform advanced MiTM attacks on websites with ease πŸ’‰

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Perform advanced MiTM attacks on websites with ease.
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Test it out  | Installation  | Docs  | Trello  | Discord

  • View what's on the victims screen
    • Ability to interact and click buttons
    • Scrolling is synced two-way
  • Data recording
    • Database api for recording & storing data
  • New module API
    • Modules can now run server-side code

Screenshot of the Injectify UI

Injectify is a modern web based MiTM tool, similiar to BeEF (although completely unrelated in terms of source code). It features cross-platform clients (Web, Desktop, Browser extension).

What can it do?

  • ⚑ Create a reverse Javascript shell between the victim and the attacker.
  • ⌨️ Records keystrokes and logs them to a database.
  • πŸ” Extract and log saved passwords from the browser.


See more at the official documentation site


Live updates

Console replication

Console data types

Module intellisense

Editor intellisense



Perform advanced MiTM attacks on websites with ease πŸ’‰


Language:TypeScript 47.6%Language:JavaScript 41.1%Language:SCSS 4.5%Language:HTML 4.4%Language:CSS 1.9%Language:PHP 0.5%Language:Shell 0.1%