samar1tan / project-map

a flawed, partial implementation of std::map

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Project Map

Course Project for Data Structures:Based on Red-black tree, simply implemented std::map


#include "lib\simple_map.h" // for Windows. '\' --> '/' on Linux 
#include <string>
#include <iostream>

SimpleMap<int, std::string> foo;
foo.insert(Entry<int, std::string> (1220, "alpha"))
std::cout << foo[1220] << " version pushed on 1220" << std::endl;
alpha version pushed on 1220

Member types

  • key_type Entry<Key, Value>.Key
  • value_type Value
    • std::map::mapped_type
    • not std::map::value_type
  • mapped_type the same as above
  • element_type Entry<Key, Value>
    • std::map::value_type
  • allocator_type RedBlackTree< Node<Entry<Key, Value> >
  • iterator SimpleMap::MapIterator

Member functions

  • (constructor)
  • (destructor)
  • operator=
  • Iterators (Forward Iterator)
    • begin Return the iterator of the first Entry with min key of inorder traversal
    • end Return the iterator of the last Entry of inorder traversal, i.e., (SimpleMap::iterator)nullptr
  • Capacity
    • empty Return true if empty, otherwise false
    • size Return the current number of Entry
    • max_size Return the theoretic max amount of Entry, i.e., UINT_MAX
  • Element Access
    • operator[](k) return the reference of Entry.value where key == k, otherwise, insert new Entry with key == k and return the reference of its defaultly constructed value
    • find(k) Return the iterator of Entry of which the key is k, otherwise SimpleMap::end, i.e., (SimpleMap::const_iterator)nullptr
    • count(k) Return the count of Entry of which the key is k, i.e., 0 / 1
    • min Return the iterator pointing to Entry with the minimum key
    • max Return the iterator pointing to Entry with the maximum key
    • data Return the pointer to RBTree
  • Modifiers
    • insert(element) Return iterator pointing to newly inserted Entry, otherwise pointing to the old element identified by key
    • erase(k) Delete Entry by key,returning true when successful, otherwise false
    • erase(position) Delete Entry by iterator,returning true when successful,otherwise false
    • clear() Delete all elements and re-allocate the storage position of Red-black tree in the heap

Implementation summary

  • template class SimpleMap<Key, Value> fake std::map
    • template class Entry<Key, Value> the element of SimpleMap,fake std::pair
  • template class RedBlackTree<node_data_type> Red Black Tree, in which increases in inorder traversal
    • template class RedBlackTree : public SearchTree<node_data_type> : public Tree<node_data_type> put the implementation of Search Tree and Binary Tree into the parent classes of RBTree
    • template class Node<node_data_type> the node of the tree, of which node_data_type == Entry


Coding style


There were plenty of comments in simple_map.h, including:

  • the definition of interfaces
  • implementation details
  • TODOs

Acknowledgement & References

  1. 《数据结构(C++语言版)(第3版)》 邓俊辉 清华大学出版社
  2. map - C++ Reference


  • Test all behaviors of SimpleMap
  • Further test the stability of Red-black tree performing random insertions and deletions
  • Showcase the final gains
  • Write the experiment report
  • STL-style improvement

Version history

  • alpha (Dec. 20, 2018)
  • beta (Dec. 21, 2018)
    • Due to the poor initial design, cancelled the usage of const_iterator that incurred the conflicts of various const
    • Completed the dynamic memory management under multiple layers of nested data structures
    • Added Member types into README
    • Initially tested the interfaces and fixed some bugs
  • released! (Jan. 5, 2019)
  • v1.0 (Jan. 5, 2019)
    • Systematically tested RedBlackTree
    • Tested all interfaces of SimpleMap
    • Fixed SimpleMap::count()
    • Fixed SimpleMap::iterator::operator++()


a flawed, partial implementation of std::map

License:MIT License


Language:C++ 100.0%