samanL33T / zOS

z/OS - all things security

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


                    Look, you wanna be elite? You gotta do a
                    righteous hack. None of this accidental shit.

                    Oh yeah, you want a seriously righteous hack,
                    you score one of those Gibsons man. You know,
                    supercomputers they use to like, do physics,
                    and look for oil and stuff?

                    Ain't no way, man, security's too tight. The
                    big iron?

                    Maybe. But, if I were gonna hack some heavy
                    metal, I'd, uh, work my way back through some
                    low security, and try the back door.


Regardless of anakata's intentions one thing is certain, thanks to him
some people got hooked and started to talk about the security of
mainframes.  Since then, few individuals, and before that even fewer,
did their best sharing their knowledge in the field and contributing to
the infosec and mainframe communities. This however was still not enough
to close the gap between mainframes and the rest of the world.

I'm kicking-off a libre project by sharing the bits and pieces gathered
over the years on the subject.  I want to encourage you to contribute so
we can build together a go to place for everyone who would like to have
fun and learn about mainframe security.


No ideas what to contribute? We need these (in no particular order), e.g.:

  • More username/password combos from those cracked RACF DBs.
  • Add a high quality content in pentesting methodology with focus on the verified command samples & tools.
  • Samples of a vulnerable code and the list of programming mistakes with focus on REX, COBOL, ASM etc.
  • Add information about tools and techniques on z/OS for compilation, debugging code/apps, SAST/DAST, reversing etc.
  • If not available, create FLOSS tool(s) for exploiting/testing/verifying vulnerabilities/misconfigurations/techniques.
  • Create a VM image (e.g. vagrant) with everything that's required to run a local z/OS instance.




z/OS - all things security