samal-rasmussen / svelte-ionic-app

Ionic UI showcase app - try Ionic UI and directly go to API or source code

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Ionic Svelte UI demo

A showcase app for all Ionic UI elements - up to Ionic 5!!! Use this app to try-out the elements you like for your app, and then navigate directly to the API docs or the source code.

Secondly, it is a boilerplate to start developing an Ionic/Svelte/PWA supercharged app (WIP)

Published as web app:

Hint: try reactivity of the app by using various devices or the Chrome developer view: iOS, Android's material design and fullscreen desktop responsiveness guaranteed!

If you want to run it locally:

npm install -g degit
degit Tommertom/svelte-ionic-app svelte-ionic-app
cd svelte-ionic-app
npm i
npm run dev

The app will be served on localhost:5000.

All items also available as individual REPLs:

NEW FEATURE: click to view source! For all components (except tab) you can click the lower right source button to view the source and copy/paste in your app. If you use fullscreen view, the menu will be a sidepanel instead of a hamburger!

NEW FEATURE2: click on share button in source view to link directly to the Ionic API docs

NEW FEATURE3: almost all UI elements have a separate REPL (coding playground)

NEW FEATURE4: Web Animations API included (see Avatars)

All features (vision/realised)

  • Web Animations API (see Avatars - 100% done)
  • All Ionic Framework UI components showcased (100% done)
  • Run as SPA - Filesystem router via Routify (100% done)
  • Code splitting - lazy loading of routes (100%)
  • Service Worker setup via workbox (50%)
  • PWA compliance via Ligthouse score (40% - missing the service worker mostly)
  • Stores (0%)
  • RXJS usage (100%)
  • Localstorage via localforage (100%)
  • Firebase SDK - analytics/firestore (100%)
  • Capacitor for mobile native support (100%)
  • Ionic Theming in local styles and global CSS (100%)
  • REPLs for each element (100%)
  • Source code previewer (100%)
  • Cookie Popup (100%)
  • Multi language support (0%)
  • Ionic included as asset, not CDN (100%)


And the source view with copy feature and you can select text with the mouse: Screen2.PNG

Do you like this work? Please star this project!

Known issues

REPLs are Ionic 4

The REPLs are Ionic 4. I think they still sufficiently serve purpose to play around with the UI, so for now I won't bother too much updating them.

ion-back-button does not show

Ion Back Button does not appear in the app. Neither in a REPL. Made a custom version.

Altdetails is not taking the route argument

Needing some debugging - A NAV in the TAB is not working properly

Capacitor Clipboard on iOS does not copy

Copy of sourcecode on iOS does not seem to work.

Pane integration is WIP

Pane needs ion-content to be set to scroll-y:false to avoid strange UI on some devices.

Remarks while working on Ionic - Svelte integration

Setting properties for Ionic Elements

If you want to set properties for Ionic elements, you need to use the attribute as defined in the docs. Example:

  • not ok: <ion-content scrollX="true">...</ion-content>
  • ok: <ion-content scroll-x="true>...</ion-content>

Nav needs customElement

Not necessarily an issue, but still a bit undesireable to make a custom element to be using a IonNav (as in <ion-nav root="my-element">). Therefore made IonNav.svelte to handle this and developers can include svelte component instead of manually registering a customElement.

IonTabs selected Tab

I raised an issue @ Ionic for selected-tab not selecting te default tab as per Ionic's documentation. ionic-team/ionic-framework#20060

Want local install of Ionic lib?

Local install: <script type="module" src='/assets/libs/@ionic/core/dist/ionic/ionic.js'></script>


A number of todo's:

  • fix Ionic Menu close, go through all components and fix some messages
  • research some of the warnings after Ionic 5 migration
  • Ionic 5 add-ons not present in Ionic 4 (to figure out which ones)
  • UI elements missing: VirtualScroll skipped
  • add the popoover and other controller related items
  • try the css styling as per documentation (theming)
  • look at awesome rollup and add typescript - not mature enough!!
  • fix rollup copy of files in assets folder
  • do some binding on inputs and other interactive elements
  • ionicons for menu - colors and other names
  • ionicons part has some unknown icons, make larger
  • make it a PWA - need to work on the service worker
  • better names for controller API?
  • NAV over tab
  • make it more sveltish (code, store, bindings, animations)
  • publish on firebase hosting
  • try some cordova/ionic native - no web features I need
  • singleton classes
  • place routes in better place (pages folder probably, to avoid repeating /../)
  • consider Contexts for exposing controllers
  • split pane
  • searchbox in ionicons
  • add non Ionic elements to complete UI:
    • chat ui
    • timeline
    • accordeon
    • pane
  • SSR
  • to docs link
  • or something else that works
  • REPLs
  • change router?,
  • source code formatter in HTML
  • Font Awesome icons
  • Web Animations API trial - see Avatars
  • replace manual route filter with ignore option
  • seek ways to include in rollup bundler instead of script include
  • Ionic 5 migration - once it is fully released - already some breaking changes


Ionic UI showcase app - try Ionic UI and directly go to API or source code

License:MIT License


Language:HTML 96.6%Language:JavaScript 3.2%Language:CSS 0.2%