salmarefaie / Docker-labs

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Problem 1

Run the container hello-world

    sudo docker run hello-world

Check the container status

    sudo docker ps -a

Start the stopped container

    sudo docker start 30547b8dc456

Remove the container

    sudo docker rm 30547b8dc456

Remove the image

    sudo docker image rm feb5d9fea6a5 

Problem 2

Run container centos or ubuntu in an interactive mode

    sudo docker container run -i ubuntu

Run the following command in the container “echo docker ”

    Echo docker

Open a bash shell in the container and touch a file named hello-docker

    sudo docker container run -it ubuntu
    touch hello-docker

Stop the container and remove it. Write your comment about the file hello-docker

    sudo docker ps -a
    Ctrl d
    sudo docker rm 638ff1a246a2
    comment about the file hello-docker: Remove file

Remove all stopped containers

     sudo docker rm $(sudo docker ps -a -q)
     sudo docker container prune

Problem 3

Run a container httpd with name apache and attach a volume to the container: Volume for containing static html file

    sudo docker run -it -v volume:/var/www/html --name apache2 httpd bash

Remove the container

    sudo docker rm 967d975890ce 

Run a new container with the following: Attach the volume that was attached to the previous container & Map port 80 to port 9898 on you host machine & Access the html files from your browser

    sudo docker run -it -v volume:/var/www/html -p 9898:80 --name apache3 httpd bash

Problem 4

Run the image httpd again without attaching any volumes

    sudo docker run -it -p 9898:80 --name apache4 httpd bash

Add html static files to the container and make sure they are accessible

    touch file.html

Commit the container with image name my apache

    sudo docker commit -t "my apache" 82d2630ac341 httpd 

Create a dockerfile for ngnix and build the image from this dockerfile

    sudo docker build -t image_nginx .
    In dockerfile:
          FROM nginx:latest

Problem 5

Create a volume called mysql_data, then deploy a MySQL database called app-database. Use the mysql latest image, and use the -e flag to set MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD to P4sSw0rd0!.Mount the mysql_data volume to /var/lib/mysql.The container should run in the background.

    sudo docker run -d -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD="P4sSw0rd0!" -v mysql_data:/var/lib/mysql --name app-database mysql


Problem 1

Create your own nginx docker image based on ubuntu “NEVER USE FROM nginx”

  • Install nginx
  • Two index.html one as file and another as .tar "/var/www/html"
  • Expose
  • Start
  • Port mapping
      IN Dockerfile:
           FROM  ubuntu:22.04
           RUN apt update
           RUN apt install nginx -y
           ADD index.html /var/www/html
           ADD index_tar.tar.gz /var/www/html
           EXPOSE 80
           CMD [ "/usr/sbin/nginx", "-g", "daemon off;" ]
      IN Terminal:
           tar -czvf index_tar.tar.gz index_tar
           sudo docker build -t nginx_image:1.0 .
           sudo docker images
           sudo docker run -d -it --name nginx_container -p 8000:80 nginx_image:1.0
           sudo docker ps -a

Problem 2

Create react app docker container "using single stage, Multi-Stage Dockerfile"

      IN Terminal:
           curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
           sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
           npx create-react-app my-app     ... install react app (folder: my-app)
           cd my-app
           touch Dockerfile
      IN Dockerfile Single Stage:
           FROM node:alpine3.16
           WORKDIR /app
           COPY package*.json ./
           RUN npm install
           COPY . .
           EXPOSE 3000
           CMD ["npm" , "start"]
      IN Terminal Single Stage:
           sudo docker build -t my-app:1.0 .
           sudo docker run -it --name react_app -p 3001:3000 my-app:1.0    
      IN Dockerfile Multi Stage:
           FROM node:alpine3.16 AS build
           WORKDIR /app
           COPY package*.json ./
           RUN npm install
           COPY . .
           RUN npm run build
           # Deploment "nginx"
           FROM  nginx:alpine
           COPY --from=build /app/build /usr/share/nginx/html
           EXPOSE 80
           CMD [ "nginx", "-g", "daemon off;" ]
      IN Terminal Multi Stage:
           sudo docker build -t my-app2:1.0 .
           sudo docker run -it --name multi -p 8001:80  my-app2:1.0   

Problem 3

What is the rest of Docker Networks ? “Name and Definition”

      1.The Bridge Driver:
         This is the default. Whenever you start Docker, a bridge network gets created and all newly started containers will connect automatically to the default bridge network.
      2.The Host Driver:
         As the name suggests, host drivers use the networking provided by the host machine. And it removes network isolation between the container and the host machine where Docker is running. You can use the host network if you don’t want to rely on Docker’s networking but instead rely on the host machine networking.
      3.The None Driver:
         The none network driver does not attach containers to any network. Containers do not access the external network or communicate with other containers. You can use it when you want to disable the networking on a container.
      4.The Overlay Driver:
         The Overlay driver is for multi-host network communication, as with Docker Swarm or Kubernetes. It allows containers across the host to communicate with each other without worrying about the setup. Think of an overlay network as a distributed virtualized network that’s built on top of an existing computer network.

Problem 4

Create your bridge network, two containers from ubuntu image with different names and try to ping each other using NAME.

     1. sudo docker run -it -d --name contUbuntu1 ubuntu
     2. sudo docker run -it -d --name contUbuntu2 ubuntu
     3. sudo docker exec -it contUbuntu1 bash
     4. apt-get update
     5. apt-get install inetutils-ping 
     6. sudo docker network create net
     7. sudo docker network connect net contUbuntu1
     8. sudo docker network connect net contUbuntu2
     9. sudo docker network inspect net
     10. sudo docker exec -it contUbuntu1 bash
     11. ping contUbuntu2


Problem 1

Convert the created react app multi-stage docker image into compose format.

      IN Dockerfile:
           FROM node:alpine3.16 AS build
           WORKDIR /app
           COPY package*.json ./
           RUN npm install
           COPY . .
           RUN npm run build
           # Deploment "nginx"
           FROM  nginx:alpine
           COPY --from=build /app/build /usr/share/nginx/html
           EXPOSE 80
           CMD [ "nginx", "-g", "daemon off;" ]
      IN docker-compose.yaml:
        version: '3.5'
            image: my-app2:1.0
            container_name: compose-react
            restart: always
               - "3000:80"
      IN Terminal:
           sudo apt install docker-compose
           sudo docker-compose up -d
           sudo docker-compose ps   

Problem 2

Create flask app to count number of visits to browser:

  • Create new directory called flask then add and requirements.txt files
  • Create Dockerfile for the python app
  • Create docker-compose for the app and use Redis as temp DB.
      requeirments.txt and in lab3.. problem 2 and they with me with problem
      IN Dockerfile:
           FROM python:3.11.0a6-alpine3.15
           WORKDIR /code
           COPY requirements.txt /code
           RUN pip install -r requirements.txt --no-cache-dir
           COPY . /code
           CMD python
      IN docker-compose.yaml:
           version: '3'
                build: .
                   - "8000:5000"
                image: "redis:alpine"
      IN Terminal:
           sudo docker-compose up 
      IN Browser:



Language:Dockerfile 58.4%Language:Python 40.0%Language:HTML 1.6%