salkin-mada / fzf-sc

Combine the magic of fuzzy searching with the magic of SuperCollider in NeoVim

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Fuzzy scales

Use the power of fzf to get the best out of SuperCollider:

Fuzzy search basically anything in SuperCollider and execute SuperCollider code with the result of that search.




use {
	after = "scnvim",
	config = function()
			search_plugin = "nvim-fzf", 
			options = {
				height = 50,
				width = 33,
				-- row = 4,
				-- col = 4,
				relative = 'editor',
				border = false,
				fzf_binary = "fzf" -- Or "skim"
	requires = {


For vim-plug users, add this to your init.vim:

Plug 'madskjeldgaard/fzf-sc'

Then run :PlugInstall.


Somewhere in your config file for neovim, add lua require'fzf-sc'.setup() if you're using init.vim or require'fzf-sc'.setup() for init.lua.


fzf-sc may be configured by supplying a table to the setup function in a lua file:

	-- Set to "nvim-fzf" if you have that plugin installed
	search_plugin = "fzf.vim" 

Available commands


Fuzzy search the fuzzy finders. Gets list of all fuzzy search commands. Choose one and execute it.

To see the rest, type :FzfSC<tab> on the command line to autocomplete the available commands.

Invoking the commands directly works like this. An example using the scales finder:

:FzfSC play_scales

Make your own fuzzy finder

To make your own finder, you need two things: Some supercollider code that generates an array and a callback (can be either SuperCollider or Lua). The callback is a piece of code that takes the result of your choice and does something with it.

Using a supercollider callback

Here is an example of getting all quarks as input and then installing the chosen item in the return code. The return code is a string where %s is replaced with the result of the fuzzy search, eg in the example below it will be the name of the quark the user chooses.

By adding your finder to fzf-sc/finders, it will automatically show up when you run :FzfSC as well as in autocompletion when typing :FzfSC <tab>.

require"fzf-sc/finders".my_quark_installer = 
	local sc_code = [[Quarks.fetchDirectory; Quarks.all.collect{|q|}]];
	local supercollider_callback = [[Quarks.install("%s");]];

	require"fzf-sc/utils".fzf_sc_eval(sc_code, supercollider_callback)

Using a lua callback

Instead of using SuperCollider in the callback, it is also possible to pass your choice from the fuzzy list to a lua function and make use of Neovim's lua api.

require"fzf-sc/finders".my_quark_browser = 

	-- Get a list of all quark folders in your system and convert them to full paths
	local sc_code = [[PathName(Quarks.folder).folders.collect{|folder| folder.fullPath}

	-- This callback opens the chosen folder in a new tab
	local callback = function(val) 
		vim.cmd("tabnew " ..val) 

	require"fzf-sc/utils".fzf_sc_eval(sc_code, callback)

More inspiration

For more inspiration see this file.

Contributing a finder

Finders are defined in this file.

If you feel like contributing a finder, that's where to do it. Just add a function like the ones in that file and it will automatically show up as an option for a command when autocompleting :FzfSC<tab> or just running :FzfSC.


Combine the magic of fuzzy searching with the magic of SuperCollider in NeoVim


Language:Lua 98.5%Language:Vim Script 1.5%