salimhamed / dotfiles

Dotfiles for macOS managed with yadm. Features configs for Alacritty, Tmux, Neovim, and essential CLI utilities. Detailed keymaps and installation instructions included.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

πŸ—„οΈ Dotfiles

Dotfiles managed with yadm. These dotfiles have been tested on macos. The plan is to eventually test and support severael linux distributions as well. This detailed README helps me remember the setup πŸ˜‚

πŸ“¦ Installation

First, install yadm. Then, clone the repository with yadm and run bootstrap.

# clone repository
yadm clone

# set the class to either `Personal` or `Work`
yadm config local.class Personal

# bootstrap the environment
yadm bootstrap

πŸƒ Usage

πŸš€ Alacritty

Alacritty is a terminal emulator that comes with sensible defaults and is configured with yaml files, which can be more easily managed with version control systems.

Alacritty Keymaps

Keybinding Description
C-S-Space Enter Vi Mode

πŸ’» Tmux

Tmux is used as a terminal multiplexer to manage multiple terminal sessions, split screens, and easily switch between them. The dracula/tmux plugin is installed for a better status bar and dark mode. The tmux-resurrect plugin is installed to save and restore tmux sessions after system restart.

Tmux Keymaps

The <Prefix> Keybinding has been remapped to C-a, replacing the default C-b.

Tmux General Usage
Keybinding Description
<Prefix> C-L Clear screen
<Prefix> c Create new window
<Prefix> C-] Goto next window
<Prefix> C-[ Goto previous window
<Prefix> 0 Goto 0 index window (works for other numbers)
<Prefix> f Find window
<Prefix> w List all windows
<Prefix> , Rename window
<Prefix> C-v Vertical split pane
<Prefix> C-_ Horizontal split pane
<Prefix> S-Up Resize pane 5 rows up
<Prefix> S-Down Resize pane 5 rows down
<Prefix> S-Right Resize pane 5 rows right
<Prefix> S-Left Resize pane 5 rows left
<Prefix> z Toggle zooom on current pane
C-h Navigate panes left or send C-h to Vim
C-j Navigate panes down or send C-j to Vim
C-k Navigate panes up or send C-k to Vim
C-l Navigate panes right or send C-l to Vim
<Prefix> s Show and select other tmux sessions
<Prefix> :new -s <name> Create a new session, within a tmux session, with a name
<Prefix> ) Goto next session
<Prefix> ( Goto previous session
Updating Configuration and Managing Plugins
Keybinding Description
<Prefix> r Reload Tmux Config
<Prefix> I Install plugins
<Prefix> M-u Uninstall plugins
<Prefix> u Update plugins
Session Management with tmux-resurrect
Keybinding Description
<Prefix> C-s Save session
<Prefix> C-r Restory session
Entering Command Prompt Mode and Running Tmux Commands

Use Prefix : to enter Command Prompt Mode. Then type any command and press enter. Here are some command commands.

Command Description
list-commands List all available commands
kill-server Kills the currently active tmux server
list-keys Show all the keymaps for the current session
respawn-pane -k Restarts a pane with its initial command
swap-window -t 2 Swap the current window with the window at index 2

πŸš€ Neovim

Neovim is a extensible, fast, and powerful text editor that extends the capabilities of Vim. The coding editing experience configured in these dotfiles is specifically optimized for Python, JavaScript/TypeScript, React (jsx), and lua, but should be easily extendable to other languages as well.

Nvim Keymaps

The <Leader> key has been remapped to " " (i.e., space).

Using the Jumplist
Keybinding Description
C-o Travel backwards through jumps
C-i Travel forwards through jumps
:jumps View the jumplist
Window Management and Navigation
Keybinding Description
S-Right Increase window width
S-Left Decrease window width
S-Up Increase window height
S-Down Decrease window height
C-w = Equalize the width and height of visible windows
C-w _ Maximize the current window's height
C-w | Maximize the current window's width
C-w q Close the current window
C-h Navigate window left or send C-h to tmux
C-j Navigate window down or send C-j to tmux
C-k Navigate window up or send C-k to tmux
C-l Navigate window right or send C-l to tmux
Buffer Management and Navigation

Use <Leader>b to activate WhichKey help.

Keybinding Description
S-l Switch to buffer to the right
S-h Switch to buffer to the left
C-^ Switch to alternate file
<Leader>b<C-v> Vertical split current buffer
<Leader>b<C-_> Horizontal split current buffer
<Leader>bd Delete buffer
<Leader>bp Pin buffer
<Leader>ba Close all bug current buffer
<Leader>bl Close buffers to the left
<Leader>br Close buffers to the right
Harpoon Navigation
Keybinding Description
<Leader>hh Harpoon a file
<Leader>hv View Harpoon list
<Leader>hn Next Harpooned file
<Leader>hp Previous Harpooned file
<Leader>h1 Open first Harpooned file
<Leader>h2 Open second Harpooned file
<Leader>h3 Open third Harpooned file
<Leader>h4 Open fourth Harpooned file
<Leader>h5 Open fifth Harpooned file
Markdown Preview
Keybinding Description
<Leader>mp Start markdown preview
<Leader>ms Stop markdown preview
Saving Sessions
Keybinding Description
<Leader>qs Restore session for current directory
<Leader>ql Restore last session
<Leader>qd Do not save current session

See folke/persistence.nvim for more details.

Neotree (File Explorer)
Keybinding Description
<Leader>e Toggle Neotree
<C-v> (Within Neotree) Open file in vsplit
<C-_> (Within Neotree) Open file in split
o or <CR> or <Right> (Within Neotree) Toggle directory node or open file
Left (Within Neotree) Close directory node
y (Within Neotree) Copy relative path
Y (Within Neotree) Copy absolute path
Telescope (Search)
Keybinding Description
<Leader>f See "Which Key" options for searches
<C-v> (Within Telescope) Open file in vsplit
<C-_> (Within Telescope) Open file in split
Keybinding Description
ys<motion><char> Create a surrounding (i.e., "you surround")
cs<char><char> Change a surrounding. For example, cs'"
ds<char> Delete a surrounding. For example, ds"


yssf - Surround sentence with a function
yswf - Surround word with a function
ysst - Surround sentence with a tag
yswt - Surround word with a tag
Toggle Terminal

toggleterm.nvim is used to manage various terminals within Neovim.

Keybinding Description
C-\ Toggle Terminal Open/Close
<Leader>gl Toggle Terminal with lazygit
<Leader>gy Toggle Terminal with lazygit for yadm files
Hop for Navigation

hop.nvim is used to quickly and easily "hop" around a buffer.

Keybinding Description
<Leader>j Jump forward to a location in the buffer
<Leader>J Jump backward to a location in the buffer
Keybinding Description
gcc Comment out a line
gc in visual mode Comment out selection
gc + motion Comment out using the target of a motion (e.g., gcap to comment out a paragraph)
Misc Vim Tricks
  • <C-f> while in command mode will open a window with command line history. Close this window with <C-c>.
  • <C-w>x will swap windows.
  • :messages will show you messages that appeared during startup.

πŸ”§ CLI Utilities

Below is a list of CLI utilities that are installed.

Utility Description Link
pyenv Python version management. Link
rbenv Ruby version management. Link
nvm Node version management. Link
bat A cat clone with syntax highlighting and Git integration. Link
fd A simple, fast, and user-friendly alternative to find. Link
fzd A general-purpose command-line fuzzy finder. Link
gh GitHub's official CLI tool for managing repositories. Link
git-delta A viewer for git and diff output with syntax highlighting. Link
lazygit A simple terminal UI for git commands. Link
jq A lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor. Link
macos-trash A command-line interface to the macOS trash (e.g, trash file.txt). Link
ripgrep A fast line-oriented search tool, like grep with steroids. Link
tealdeer More readable man pages (e.g., tldr grep) Link
tree A recursive directory listing command with tree-like output. Link
exa Modern replacement for ls. Link
zoxide A smarter cd command. Link

πŸ”§ Terminal Keymaps

Utility Description
z cd to a path using zoxide
C-r Use fzd to search through prior commands

🐍 Pycharm (JetBrains) Keymaps

This repository contains a .ideavimrc file for configuring JetBrains IDEs, such as PyCharm, with Neovim-like keybindings via ideavim. The keymaps below are JetBrains-specific and provided here for my own reference.

Utility Description
S-Alt-] Go to next editor tab (works for switching between terminal tabs)
S-Alt-[ Go to previous editor tab (works for switching between terminal tabs)

πŸ“¦ Acknowledgements

In addition to all the amazing projects listed above, thanks goes out to the following projects/individuals for providing inspiration and/or code:

  • LazyVim: Referenced for how to properly configure nvim.
  • tjdevries: Great YouTube content code samples.


Dotfiles for macOS managed with yadm. Features configs for Alacritty, Tmux, Neovim, and essential CLI utilities. Detailed keymaps and installation instructions included.


Language:Lua 72.6%Language:Shell 16.3%Language:Vim Script 11.1%Language:Python 0.0%