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Salesforce Experience Cloud's repositories


This repository includes examples of the two custom, open-source Experience Cloud components. The components capture logged-in user data, which you can use to personalize the content of your website. It also includes an example of the Interaction Studio sitemap and other technical details that you need during implementation.



The Article Body app has components that allow for displaying the rich text content of both lightning and classic knowledge articles, instead of the standard page layout display that shows more fields than potentially needed. The Lightning Knowledge component provides querying options by recordId, urlName, or articleNumber. Both the Lightning and Classic Knowledge components provide options to show/hide/style the Title, Article Number, and Total Number of Views, as well as showing / hiding voting capabilities for authenticated users is also possible.



Personalize an entire region of components in your Experience Cloud LWR site with Personalize Anything! Drag and drop Personalize Anything onto a page in builder, set your visibility criteria for the personalized region, and configure the logic for the criteria evaluation. Personalize based on Builder expression / merge fields, Language, Authentication Status, Form Factor, Current URL, Cookie values, User fields, and custom event inputs / parameters.



Display a feature-rich events calendar in your Experience Cloud site! Color-code events at the detail level, scope the date range of what events to show, filter events on who/what/owner Id, configure timezones and offer users real-time event date/time conversion into their selected timezone, control what views to display, and much more!



The Multi-Level Navigation Menu for Experience Cloud app offers components to manage multi-level navigation menus, and render them in your Experience Cloud site. You can configure up to 6 levels of depth in your menus, control the look and feel with styling configuration, horizontal vs vertical presentation, language filtering support, and much more!



LWR-only Experience Builder component that lets you build the modal experience of your choice! Design your trigger region for elements that will open (or close) the modal, configure how your modal is triggered via UI or automatically based on events like scrolling percentage, or number of seconds after the component renders, or number of clicks and more. Additionally, design the modal’s content with header, footer, and body regions and drag/ drop any component from your components panel any way you want! You can place images, forms, videos, and even flows in your modal!



The Flexi-Grid Layout component for Experience Cloud LWR brings you the ability to create amazing modern designs by allowing you to render and control up to 12 regions of content, and drag/drop any component from your panel in builder into them.



Ever built a great flow that facilitates the creation of a case, or submitting feedback on a page, or maybe enables a partner to quickly register a deal; and wished you could launch said flows for your users to complete these actions without navigating them off the page they are looking at? With the Launch Flow in Modal lightning component, you can do just that! With options to render a button and launch your flow upon that button's click, and being able to auto-launch the flow as the component renders on the page - all in a modal so not to interrupt your users' navigation!



Primarily developed for the Lightning Web Runtime, the Notification Bell component for Experience Cloud grants builders a drag / drop Notification component that displays a user's notifications.



Discover how visitors engage with your LWR site by using Google Analytics to track their interactions. These real-world examples use the privileged script tag, which allows Google Analytics to bypass the site’s shadow DOM and interact with components on the page.



LWR-only Experience Builder component that renders up to 10 tabs or accordion sections with drag/droppable regions. Take control of your LWR site’s layout with this component that allows you to add content to up to 10 tabs or accordion sections! Build the best experience for your site users!



Experience Cloud provides several standard CMS-related components focused on collections and other manually-curated pieces of content. These custom components complement those standard components and allow you to place relevant and dynamically-selected CMS content on topic detail and record detail pages. This can be used to inform customers and partners, drive context-specific calls to action,and to make your users much happier with the digital experience you create.



Social Sharing for your community pages! Circle/Square social icons, various layout options, and works in any region in your community!



Community Cookie Consent allows you to display a cookie notice to your customers and gain their consent when they use your community. You can configure the cookies and categories directly in Salesforce and use those to drive the user interface.



Experience Cloud Custom Property Editor code samples



To help you build your custom LWR site, we provide several code samples. In each section of this guide, we specify which examples to examine.



Use this flow Barcode Scanner component to build barcode scanning capabilities for your Experience Cloud Mobile Publisher App with clicks not code!



The CMS Content Type Creator gives you a convenient point-and-click way to create content types right inside Lightning Experience.
