Salemandreus's repositories
Doing the practise interview assignments on coderbyte in preparation of an actual timed interview to brush up on concepts and familiarise with the platform.
A very simple demo website.
Links to what I consider the best resources to learn coding for solid fundamentals. There are some for some for ease of understanding for beginners, some for fast upskill for professionals and others for comprehensive learning goals.
An MVP. See Readme. Brief overview: This was a data autogenerator for an API, initially supporting creating test users for local testing, utilised within the context of an initial MVP for adding automated tests to a system which had very little automated testing working. Purposes: users and auto payload detection was used for locally testing for critical bugs in the system, with the intention of integrating it into the deployment pipeline as a first phase of testing. Final goal: - generating user data at scale - automated testing using this user generator as a basis - automated payload detection for less maintainability - eventually randomised data and full payload detection for comprehensive automated testing on original data Ultimate goal: - generate randomised data on automatically detected payloads (randomised fully automatic testing) - load testing
A Powershell automation script and modules that downloads all build and release definitions from a VSO account via the api, auto-commits changes to a remote git repo and to cloud storage and also keeps the latest version on the local server for quick disaster recovery.
Event-booking site
Weather app
Hackerrank exercises - examples for maximising a TDD workflow effectively
A discussion-building site where people contribute posts in Markdown and build on/critique each other's posts. Responses can also become new topic threads, in recursive fashion. Supports robust keyword searching and allows previewing recursively and expandable breadcrumbs to original topic post.
A demo in ASP.Net of an internal site for placing product orders. WIP.
What this project is about, and how we work
A sample template script for querying an api in Python using GET, POST and PATCH in python's Requests module.
Some useful python utilities to monitor when running processes - adding as I encounter them
Quick setup of configurations for ease-of-use in my development environment. Currently contains Django settings example showing a database connected and environment variables substituted. Also .env files with dummy variables and example variables. I'll be adding more to it as I go.
This is my resumé website, which I host on Github as my user/organization site. You can view it live at the linked URL.
Scrape South African news
Minimalistic python scrapers that perform a very basic scraping function. Utilizes Python 3.12.
My resume website, now using the power of Django!
Configs for a safer git workflow.
Django Data Importer
Following the Django site tutorial building DRF on top of that for practise. Will eventually serve as a toy website/restful API template.
Just practising some DRF while learning new things
A game created by Salemandreus (developer), Quatical (3D Artist), JigglyPuff (Artist/Assets).