saleehk / kurly

Tiny pluggable templating engine for Node and browsers

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kurly 2.0.0-beta.1


Tiny pluggable templating engine for Node and browsers

npm license travis mind BLOWN



kurly is a tiny ~1018 bytes pluggable templating engine for Node and browsers. It can parse templates with tags to abstract syntax trees, which it can then compile into functions.




<script src=""></script>
<script>(function(){ // IIFE
  var ast = kurly.parse('{noun} {verb} {adjective}!')
  var tags = { '*': ({name}) => (rec) => `${rec[name]}` }
  var template = kurly.compile(ast, tags)
  var record = { noun: 'Kurly', verb: 'is', adjective: 'easy' }
  var output = template(record)  // ['Kurly', ' ', 'is', ' ', 'easy', '!']'')) // > "Kurly is easy!"


npm install --save kurly


// main functions
var parse = require('kurly/parse')
var compile = require('kurly/compile')
// extra utils
var pipe = require('kurly/pipe')
var tag = require('kurly/tag')


// main functions
import parse from 'kurly/parse'
import compile from 'kurly/compile'
// extra utils
import pipe from 'kurly/pipe'
import tag from 'kurly/tag'


Call parse to parse text with tags into an abstract syntax tree:

var ast = parse('Hello, {kurly}')

Create tags:

var tags = {
  kurly: function(ctx){
    return function(rec) {
      return `${rec.planet}!`

Call compile with the ast and your tags to create a template function:

var template = compile(ast, tags)

Call the resulting function, passing it a record with parameters:

var result = template({ planet: 'World' }) // ['Hello, ', 'World!']


The kurly parser is nice because it's small but powerful. It handles nesting and performs escaping and it returns an ast that is fully serializable and from which you can reconstruct the input string.

function parse(str: string, options?: Options): Ast

parse(str: string, options?: Options): Ast`

Parses the string str to an Ast.

If parse options are giventhey are used to determine whether open/close markers are optional and which characters to use for them. By default{and}` are required.

str: string

The string to parse

options: Options

Optional parse options.


Pass options to parse to control it's behavior.

type Options = {

   * Whether open/close markers are optional
  optional?: boolean,

   * The character to use as open marker
  open?: string,

   * The character to use as close marker
  close?: string


An Abstract Syntax Tree. An array of strings or Nodes, where a Node has a field ast that contains the ast of it's children.

type Ast = Array<Node | string>

parse returns an Ast and compile accepts an Ast.


Compiles an ast into a template function.

function compile(ast: Ast, tags: Tags, rec?: object): TagFn

compile(ast: Ast, tags: Tags, rec?: object): TagFn

This function will create a pipe from the ast and tags by calling pipe(), and then will create a single function from it by calling tag(), and return that.

ast: Ast

The ast to compile into a function

tags: Tags

The tags to use in the compile

rec?: object

The optional static record object.


kurly is just a tiny parser / compiler. Any functionality should be provided by tags.

You provide the tags to use to compile or pipe in the form of a dictionary object where each key's name is a string to match tag names to and each key's value is a Tag.

type Tags = {
  [key : string]: Tag;

One special entry is the wildcard tag which has key name '*'.

Tag syntax

kurly matches tags following a variation of this regex pattern:


This expression matches an open curly brace, a tag name, optionally some text starting with a non-identifier character and a closing curly brace.

Tag names can not contain any special characters such as punctuation, diacritics, whitespace, unicode symbols etc. They must start with an uppercase or lowercase letter or the underscore and may be followed by zero or more alphanumerical characters.

If a tag is enclosed in braces, any text following the tag name is parsed and escaping is applied. A tag can contain a closing brace as text by escaping it. The string "a {tag with a closing curly brace \} in it}" will be parsed correctly.

If a tag is not enclosed in braces, it's text ends at the first whitespace character following the tag name.

Kurly's parse function accepts an options object to control whether open and close braces are optional and which characters are used for them.

Creating tags

To create a kurly tag, we create a higher order function; a function that returns a function:

function outer(cfg) {
  return function inner(rec) {
    return `My first ${rec.thing}`

The outer function is called during the compilation phase. It is passed a configuration object containing the tag name and function, the tag content text and an abstract syntax tree of it's children (see Nested tags). Any expensive work that needs to be done only once can be done here.

The inner function is called during the render phase. It returns an (array of) output(s). The output entries can be any type. It's argument is a record object that was initialized when the compiled function was called. One key is always added to this object: children. This contains the rendered output of the children and can be used in the tag output.

Share your tags

Created a nice tag and want to share it with the world? Publish it to NPM! Make sure to include the keyword "kurly" in your package,json so it will show up in the list of projects related to kurly.

Static tags

Since v2, Kurly supports 'static' tags. These are tags that don't depend on the record object passed to the template function. Instead, they get access to a static version of that object at compile time. To create a static tag we write:

function outer(cfg, rec) {
  return function inner() {
    return `My first ${rec.thing}`

Notice how the rec parameter has moved from the inner to the outer function.

If any of the tags in an ast are not static, all static tags will be converted to dynamic tags automatically. The reverse is not possible.

If all tags in an ast are static and a static record object is passed to compile, it will yield a function that can be called without arguments.

Static tags are more restricted in their abilities, but they can exist in both static and dynamic ast's, so they are the most flexible option if your tag does not need to access any field from the dynamic record.

Nested tags

Kurly supports nested tags:

var ast = parse('{greeting, {kurly}}')
var template = compile(ast, {
  greeting: () => ({ children }) => ['Hello'].concat(children),
  kurly: () => () => 'World!'
var result = template() // ['Hello', ', ', 'World!']

For a tag to support nesting, it should pick up it's children and add them to the result it is returning. In the example above, greeting is adding it's children to the array it is returning using concat.

Static tags can also allow nesting, but because they don't have access to the dynamic record, they need to do a little bit more work for it. Fortunately, children does that work for us:

var children = require('kurly/children')
var ast = parse('{greeting, {kurly}}')
var template = compile(ast, {
  greeting: (ctx, rec) => () => ['Hello'].concat(children(ctx, rec)),
  kurly: () => () => 'World!'
var result = template() // ['Hello', ', ', 'World!']

children() is written in such a way, that it can be used both from static and dynamic tags alike:

var children = require('kurly/children')
var ast = parse('{greeting, {kurly}}')
var template = compile(ast, {
  greeting: (ctx) => (rec) => ['Hello'].concat(children(ctx, rec)),
  kurly: () => () => 'World!'
var result = template() // ['Hello', ', ', 'World!']

Wildcard tag

You can register a wildcard / catch-all tag under the name '*' that will be called for everything that matches the tag syntax, but for which no registered tag was found:

var ast = parse('{a}, {b}, {c}.')
var catchAll = ({name}) => ({greet}) => `${greet} ${name}`
var template = compile(ast, { '*': catchAll })
var result = template({ greet: 'Hi' })
// result: ['Hi a', ', ', 'Hi b', ', ', 'Hi c', '.']

Tag return value

A tag may return just about anything. Eventually, all the return values of all the tags will end up in a flattened array, which is returned by the template function, together with all the unmatched text, in the right order.

If you need the end result to be a string and all your tags are returning (arrays of) strings, you can convert the template result to a string like this:

result = result.join('')


Tags come in two flavours: dynamic tags, which have access to the dynamic record object that is passed to the template function returned by compile, and static tags, which don't need / have access to the dynamic record, but instead only have access to a static version of that record.

type Tag = DynamicTag | StaticTag

With tag, you can 'upgrade' a Node to a PipeNode:

function tag(pipe: Pipe, rec?: object, parent?: TagFn): TagFn

tag(pipe: Pipe, rec?: object, parent?: TagFn)

Compiles a Pipe into a single TagFn

pipe: Pipe

The pipe to compile

rec?: object

Optional static record object

parent?: TagFn

Optional parent TagFn


A function that accepts an ast Node and returns a dynamic tag function.

type DynamicTag = (ctx: Node) => DynamicTagFn


A function that accepts an ast Node and an optional static record object and returns a static tag function.

type StaticTag = (ctx: Node, rec?: object) => StaticTagFn


kurly parses and finds tags during the parse phase and builds an ast. Then during compile it replaces the tags it found in the ast with the tag functions it was given.

These tag functions are either static or dynamic tag functions. DynamicTags return a DynamicTagFn and StaticTags return a StaticTagFn.

export type TagFn = DynamicTagFn | StaticTagFn


A function that accepts a dynamic record object and returns some output.

type DynamicTagFn = (rec: object) => any


A function that accepts no arguments and optionally uses a static record object in it's output only.

type StaticTagFn = () => any


Represents a possible tag. It includes fields to store the tag open marker, it's name, any sep whitespace, the tag content text, the close marker and a parsed ast of it's content text.

interface Node extends Object {
  open: string,
  name: string,
  sep: string,
  text: string,
  close: string,
  ast: Ast,

See also: Ast


A node that is 'instantiated'. That is, a Tag was found that matched it's name (or a wildcard tag was found) and that tag was invoked to create a TagFn, stored in property tag on the node.

interface PipeNode extends Node {
  tag: TagFn,


An 'instantiated' Ast, where all nodes have a populated tag field.

type Pipe = Array<PipeNode | string>

Use pipe() to create pipes:

function pipe(ast: Ast, tags: Tags, rec?: object): Pipe

pipe(ast: Ast, tags: Tags, rec?: object): Pipe

Creates a Pipe from an ast.

Instead of using compile, to compile an ast directly into a TagFn, you can use pipe to create a Pipe, which is an array of strings or PipeNodes. You can then call tag() on that pipe to get basically the same result as you would have gotten from compile(), or you can choose to do something else entirely with that pipe.

ast: Ast

The ast to create a Pipe from.

tags: Tags

The tags to use in the Pipe.

rec?: object

Optional static record object


Add an issue in the issue tracker to let me know of any problems you find, or questions you may have.


Copyright 2021 by Stijn de Witt.


Licensed under the MIT Open Source license.


The GZIP algorithm is available in different flavours and with different possible compression settings. The sizes quoted in this README have been measured using gzip-size by Sindre Sorhus, your mileage may vary.


Tiny pluggable templating engine for Node and browsers

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 93.6%Language:TypeScript 4.9%Language:HTML 1.6%