salastro / nvconf

My neovim custom configuration for nvchad

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

NeoVim CONFiguration


  • LSP (Language Server Protocol) support
    • Format on save
  • Mason portable package manager for Neovim
  • Treesitter for syntax highlighting
    • Text objects support
  • Telescope for fuzzy finding
  • Lualine for status line
  • NvimTree for file explorer
  • Bufferline for buffer management
  • Gitsigns and Fugitive for git
  • Comment.nvim for commenting
  • Auto-pairs for auto pairs
  • cmp for auto completion
  • Dashboard for start screen
  • Hlslens for highlighting search results
  • Hop for motions
  • Better Quickfix
  • More moitons like sort and titlecase
  • Surround for surrounding text objects
  • Wakatime for tracking time
  • Copilot for AI code completion
  • Language support for LaTeX, Lean, SXHKD, and Kmonad.


My neovim custom configuration for nvchad


Language:Lua 100.0%