sakulstra / forge-bug-repro

repo for forge issue reproductions

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

BGD forge template

Basic template with prettier and rest configuration

To create a new project using this template run

$ forge init --template bgd-labs/bgd-forge-template my_new_project

Recommended modules

bgd-labs/solidity-utils - common contracts we use everywhere, ie transparent proxy and around

bgd-labs/aave-address-book - the best and only source about all deployed Aave ecosystem related contracts across all the chains

bgd-labs/aave-helpers - useful utils for integration, and not only testing related to Aave ecosystem contracts

Rari-Capital/solmate - one of the best sources of base contracts for ERC20, ERC21, which will work with transparent proxy pattern out of the box

OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts - another very reputable and well organized source of base contracts for tokens, access control and many others


This project uses Foundry. See the book for detailed instructions on how to install and use Foundry. The template ships with sensible default so you can use default foundry commands without resorting to MakeFile.


cp .env.example .env
forge install


forge test

Advanced features


For contracts upgrading implementations it's quite important to diff the implementation code to spot potential issues and ensure only the intended changes are included. Therefore the Makefile includes some commands to streamline the diffing process.


You can download the current contract code of a deployed contract via make download chain=polygon address=0x00. This will download the contract source for specified address to src/etherscan/chain_address. This command works for all chains with a etherscan compatible block explorer.

Git diff

You can git-diff a downloaded contract against your src via make git-diff before=./etherscan/chain_address after=./src out=filename. This command will diff the two folders via git patience algorithm and write the output to diffs/

Caveat: If the onchain implementation was verified using flatten, for generating the diff you need to flatten the new contract via forge flatten and supply the flattened file instead fo the whole ./src folder.


repo for forge issue reproductions

License:MIT License


Language:Solidity 40.8%Language:Shell 37.0%Language:Makefile 22.2%