saksoy / Miscellaneous

This repository contains solutions to various of problems that I adapted to C# from the books of Herbert Schildt - Java, Teach Yourself C++ and C, the complete reference. As well as I translated the tasks, which I solved from the book of Robert Sedgewick - Algorithms in C to JavaScript.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This repository contains solutions to various of problems that I adapted to C# from the books of Herbert Schildt - Java, Teach Yourself C++ and C, the complete reference.

As well as I translated the tasks, which I solved from the book of Robert Sedgewick - Algorithms in C, Parts 1-4 Fundamentals, Data Structures, Sorting, Searching (3rd Edition) to JavaScript.


This repository contains solutions to various of problems that I adapted to C# from the books of Herbert Schildt - Java, Teach Yourself C++ and C, the complete reference. As well as I translated the tasks, which I solved from the book of Robert Sedgewick - Algorithms in C to JavaScript.



Language:C# 40.6%Language:JavaScript 39.2%Language:HTML 20.2%