sakami0000 / kaggle_jigsaw

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Jigsaw Unintended Bias in Toxicity Classification

3rd place solution by F.H.S.D.Y. of Jigsaw Unintended Bias in Toxicity Classification (

Please see for more information.



apex from

If you use BERT, you have to install pytorch-pretrained-bert from pip.
pip install pytorch-pretrained-bert

If you use GPT2, you have to install pytorch-pretrained-bert from git.
pip install git+


Hyper-parameters are managed by JSON files in config directory.

BERT & GPT2 configuration

  • lm_model_name: required, type = str. Which language model to use.
  • max_len: default = 220, type = int. Maximum length of tokens used as input. In case of BERT, this contains [CLS] and [SEP].
  • max_head_len: default = 128, type = int. Maximum length of first tokens used as input. This doesn't contain [CLS] or [SEP]. For example, when max_len = 220, max_head_len = 128, and using BERT, the input will be first 128 tokens and last 90 tokens.
  • epochs: default = 2, type = int. Training epochs. This must be 2 or less.
  • down_sample_frac: default = 0.5, type = float. Rate of dropped sample when negative down sampling.
  • lr: default = 1.5e-5, type = float. Learning rate.
  • batch_size: deafult = 16, type = int. Batch size.
  • accumulation_steps: default = 4, type = int. gradient_accumulation_steps in pytorch_pretrained_bert.
  • warmup: default = 0.05, type = float. Learning rate linearly increases from 0 to lr over warmup rate of training steps, and linearly decreases from lr to 0 over the rest steps.
  • old_data: default = false, type = bool. Whether you use old toxic competition data as training data or not.
  • old_fine_tuned: default = false, type = bool. Set true if you use further fine-tuned weight with old toxic competition data as pre-trained weight, false otherwise.
  • device: default = cuda, type = str, options: cuda, cpu. Device used for running.
  • seed: default = 1234, type = int. The desired seed.
  • dropout_rate: default = 0.1, type = float. Dropout rate for GPT2.

LSTM f configuration

  • max_len: default = 220, type = int. Maximum length of tokens used as input.
  • max_features: default = 100000, type = int. Maximum number of tokens used as input overall.
  • batch_size: default = 512, type = int. Batch size.
  • train_epochs: default = 10, type = int. Training epochs.
  • tolerance: default = 10, type = int. When score does not improve over tolerance epochs, training is aborted.
  • num_folds: default = 5, type = int. Number of folds of cross validation.
  • lr: default = 1e-3, type = float. Learning rate.
  • loss_alpha: default = 0.1, type = float. Coefficient for training weight.
  • loss_beta: default = 1.0, type = float. Coefficient for training weight.
  • device: default = cuda, type = str, options: cuda, cpu. Device used for running.
  • seed: default = 1234, type = int. The desired seed.

LSTM s configuration

  • max_len: default = 220, type = int. Maximum length of tokens used as input.
  • max_features: default = 100000, type = int. Maximum number of tokens used as input overall.
  • batch_size: default = 512, type = int. Batch size.
  • train_epochs: default = 6, type = int. Training epochs.
  • n_splits: default = 5, type = int. Number of folds of cross validation.
  • start_lr: default = 1e-4, type = float. Initial learning rate of training.
  • max_lr: default = 5e-3, type = float. Maximum learning rate of training.
  • last_lr: default = 1e-3, type = float. Last learning rate of traiing.
  • warmup: default = 0.2, type = float. Learning rate increases from start_lr to max_lr over warmup rate of training steps following a cosine curve, and decreases from max_lr to last_lr over rest steps following a cosine curve.
  • pseudo_label: default = true, type = bool. Whether you use pseudo labeling for training or not.
  • mu: default = 0.9, type = float. Rate of new weights in EMA.
  • updates_per_epoch: default = 10, type = int. How many times you update weights in EMA.
  • lstm_gru: default = {}, type = dict. Hyper-parameters used in LSTM-GRU model.
  • lstm_capsule_atten: default = {}, type = dict. Hyper-parameters used in LSTM-Capsule-Attention model.
  • lstm_conv: default = {}, type = dict. Hyper-parameters used in LSTM-Conv model.
  • device: default = cuda, type = str, options: cuda, cpu. Device used for running.
  • seed: default = 1234, type = int. The desired seed.

Computing blending weights configuration

  • n_folds: default = 10, type = int. How many times you split validation data and run optuna.
  • n_trials: default = 300, type = int. Number of trials of each running.
  • threshold: default = 0.03, type = float. Acceptable error between train and valid score.


BERT & GPT2 execution

You need to specify which configuration JSON file to use.

$ python \
    --config_file ./config/bert_large_cased.json

If you want to use further fine-tuned weights with old toxic competition data as pre-trained weights, first you need to run the script of further fine-tuning.

$ python \
    --config_file ./config/bert_base_cased_old_fine_tune.json

And then run the script of main fine-tuning.

$ python \
    --config_file ./config/bert_base_cased.json

LSTM f execution

You can run the script using

$ python

LSTM s execution

You need to specify which model to use.

$ python \
    --lstm_model lstm_gru

You can choose from

  • lstm_gru
  • lstm_capsule_atten
  • lstm_conv

Computing blending weights execution

First you need to train models and predict labels of validation data with argument --valid

$ python \
    --config_file ./config/bert_large_cased.json

Then run a command

$ python



Language:Python 100.0%