sajoy / safe-secure

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

working title: safe-secure

step 1:

write a randomizer program that

  • returns a random shape
  • returns a random size
  • returns a random number
  • returns a random color

step 2:

use program to determine

  • special attributes (maybe)
  • how many different shapes to use (random number)
  • for each shape
    • color
    • size
    • position
    • number

step 3:

collage according to randomly selected attributes

psuedo code

let piece1 = createPiece(options); // returns array below
piece1 = [
        shape: ‘square’,
        color: ‘black’,
        size: ‘small’
        number: ‘5’,
        position: ‘center center’
            shape: teardrop’,
            color: ‘blue’,
            size: ‘large’
            number: ‘2’,
            position: ‘center center’
            shape: ‘square’,
            color: ‘blue’,
            size: ‘large’
            number: ‘4’,
            position: ‘center right’

// would draw the shapes in a canvas, or layout the images on a webpage
// drawing rules: items cannot overlap more than 60%, items can rotate, are randomly sized within range

config as json

  • shapes

    • square
    • rectangle
    • triangle
    • circle
    • ellipse
    • teardrop
    • arch
    • parallelogram
    • blob
    • squiggle
    • letters in “safe”
    • letters in “secure”
  • size

    • small (≤ 1 inch)
    • medium (1-3 inches)
    • large (> 3 inches)
  • color

    • black
    • blue
    • purple
    • other?
  • number

    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5
    • 6
    • 7
  • position

    • upper left
    • upper center
    • upper right
    • center left
    • center center
    • center right
    • bottom left
    • bottom center
    • bottom right


  • the code
  • the returned arrays
  • the computer’s interpretation
  • my interpretation
