saisandeepvaddi / electron-react-redux-boilerplate

Create electron apps with React and Redux with no boring stuff

Repository from Github https://github.comsaisandeepvaddi/electron-react-redux-boilerplateRepository from Github https://github.comsaisandeepvaddi/electron-react-redux-boilerplate


Electron boilerplate with react and redux pre-configured


This boilerplate can be installed via npm. Skip to manual if you want to clone app from repo yourself.

  yarn global add electron-react-redux-boilerplate


  npm i -g electron-react-redux-boilerplate
  • Create Project and install dependencies
  electron-react-redux-boilerplate <project-name>

  cd <project-name>

  npm install (or) yarn install

What is pre-configured

  • Webpack
  • Basic Redux boilerplate
  • React Dev Tools
  • Redux Dev Tools
  • Persistence storage with electron-settings. Can be disabled easily if not needed. Check comments in the reducer file in renderer/reducers/index.js


  • Install Electron
  yarn global add electron
  • Clone this repository
  git clone
  • CD to the cloned directory and install dependencies.
  cd electron-react-redux-boilerplate
  yarn install
  • Have two terminals opened. One for Webpack build. Another for Electron
  terminal_1> yarn webpack:dev
  terminal_2> yarn start
  • React and Redux developer tools are included. They will be automatically installed on application run. Redux Dev Tools will be attached to store upon running webpack. Make sure to remove or comment out following line in main/app.js in production so that you don't install dev tools extensions in production.
  // Line 29
  • Devtron is included. Run the following in application's console if you need it.


MIT - Sai Sandeep Vaddi


Create electron apps with React and Redux with no boring stuff

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 91.6%Language:CSS 5.8%Language:HTML 2.6%