sairam / rubytorails

Attempt to write a online book for starting ruby and learning as much possible about Rails including other less complicated frameworks and servers like Puma, Passenger etc.,

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


We want to create a detailed tutorial from the basics about Ruby and using frameworks like Padrino, Sinatra to Rails.

At the end of each chapter, there will be questions along with a cookbook

If you like to contribute to a chapter, just send in a Pull Request. Make sure you add your name


Introduction to Ruby/JRuby/Rubinius

Terminology - methods, require, irb

Integers, Float, Decimals


Arrays, Dictionary


Practice Level

Regular Expressions

Expressions - if / when / loop

Exceptions - rescue / raise

Everything above with Iterators, Blocks, Callbacks


Practice Level

Methods - Defining / Calling / Dynamically creating of methods

Unit Testing

IO into files


Practice Level

Basics of Networking - Basic Sockets

Using the standard library and hitting APIs

Scraping a website with cookies and session


Practice Level

Classes / Objects

Modules - namespaces / mixins (see pickaxe TOC)


Practice Level

To be added above

Threads / Fibers

Persistence via sockets - MySQL / MongoDB - Active Record / Mongoid

Sending Emails - list gems and provide an example - ActiveMailer

Meta Programming

Gems - Introduction / Creating / Distributing

Make a blank ruby server which takes in requests and serves content by asking a human

HTTP Server Basics - Sessions, Cookies

Nokogiri, FasterCSV, Base64, CGI, Date, Time (from actionsupport)

Frameworks - Sinatra

Frameworks - Padrino

Frameworks - Rails - Components

Servers - Puma

Servers - Unicorn

Servers - Passenger

Servers - Trinidad

Ruby Books Look at TOC


Attempt to write a online book for starting ruby and learning as much possible about Rails including other less complicated frameworks and servers like Puma, Passenger etc.,