sainathiyer / Hardware-Implementation-of-Polar-Code-for-5G-Application-on-FPGA

Polar codes are error correction codes developed by Erdal Arikan which achieves channel capacity and its reduced complexity makes it more attractive and successful. The discovery of polar code is standing as a milestone in coding theory and lot of researches are carrying out on this topic. Varieties of schemes have been proposed over these years for the generation, encoding and decoding of polar codes. The important area of research is the encoder and decoder section and most widely used one is successive cancellation decoder. Reduced complexity is the most attractive feature with an overall encoding and decoding complexity of O (NlogN) for a block size of N, which leads to its great success. Polar code concept is used in the most promising 5G technology. In this project a complete implementation of the polar Encoder and decoder is discussed with its MATLAB and Verilog implementations.

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