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Approaches and solutions to Grind 75 leetcode questions

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Grind 75

Approaches and solutions to Grind 75 leetcode questions

Week 1

1. Two Sum


  • Only one pass through the entire array.
  • Keep checking if target - current number exists in a hashmap.
  • If it does, we have found the pair.
  • If not, store current number and its index in the hashmap to be discovered later.

Time complexity

O(N) since we make only one pass through the entire array.

Space complexity

O(N) since we store all numbers in a hashmap in the worst case.

2. Valid Parentheses


  • One single pass through the array
  • Keep the characters in a stack if it's an opening bracket
  • If it's a closing bracket, check if a corresponding opening bracket exists in the stack top.
    • if it does, pop from the stack
    • else if the stack is empty or a matching opening bracket doesn't exist, this is invalid
  • after going through the entire sequence, the stack should be empty. Otherwise, there are some unmatched brackets which make the sequence invalid.

Time complexity

O(N) since we check each character only once.

Space complexity

O(N) for the extra stack.

3. Merge two sorted lists


  • Handle base cases: if one of the lists are empty, return the other.
  • compare the value at the head of the lists.
  • Recursively update the next pointer of the lists depending on which one has the smaller value.

Time complexity

O(N) where N is the total length of both the lists. Since we encounter each node only once, it's linear.

Space complexity

O(N) due to recursion stack.

4. Buy and sell stock


  • One single pass through the array.
  • Keep track of the minimum seen so far and the maximum profit obtained so far.
  • If you see a price bigger than the minimum price so far, update max profit.
  • If you see a price smaller than the minimum price, update minimum price so far.

Time Complexity

O(N) since we encounter each price only once.

Space Complexity

O(1) since we don't use any extra space.

5. Valid Palindrome


  • make the entire string lower-case
  • use two-pointers.
    • the left pointer ignores non-alphanumeric characters from the left by skipping forward.
    • the right pointer ignores non-alphanumeric characters from the right by skipping backward.
  • when both pointers point to an alphanumeric character, compare them.
  • if at any point, the pointers point to different characters, it can't be a palindrome
  • it's a valid palindrome if both pointers cross each other without failure.

Time Complexity

O(N) because of a single pass through the string.

Space Complexity

O(1) since we don't use any extra space.

6. Invert Binary Tree


  • Handle base cases
    • Empty tree
    • Only one node in the tree
  • Invert tree for the left and right subtrees recursively
  • Handle the inverted left and right sub-trees at the root
  • Return the root

Time Complexity

O(N) since we do constant work at each node.

Space Complexity

O(N) for recursion stack if the tree is like a linked-list (skewed, only left/right child at each node)

7. Valid Anagram


  • Anagram: Frequency of characters in both the strings should be exactly equal.
  • Use a dictionary to count the frequency of characters in one string and subtract the character frequencies from the second string.
  • If you encounter any character in the second string that isn't present in the dictionary, it can't be an anagram.
  • Sum of frequencies in the dictionary after going through the second string should be 0 if it's an anagram.

Time Complexity

O(N) where N is the sum of length of the strings.

Space Complexity

O(N) since we go through every character in the strings constant number of times.

8. Binary search


  • check the middle index.
  • if the target == middle, return the index.
  • if target > middle, search the second half of the array.
  • if target < middle, search the first half of the array.

Time Complexity

O(logN) since we reduce the search space by half in each iteration.

Space Complexity

O(1) since we don't use any extra space.

9. Flood fill


Standard DFS. Make sure to store the original color of a cell before filling it with new color.

Time Complexity

O(M * N) where the matrix is of dimension M x N since each cell is visited once.

Space Complexity

O(M * N) for recursion stack.

10. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree


  • Search on the left subtree if both p and q are smaller than root.
  • Search on the right subtree if both p and q are greater than root.
  • return root otherwise (which means p & q are on either side of the root)

Time Complexity

O(N) where N = number of nodes in the tree. For balanced BST, it's O(logN)

Space Complexity


11. Balanced Binary Tree


  • Compute height of left and right subtrees recursively.
  • If at any node, the height differs by 1, return False. Otherwise, it's a balanced tree.

Time Complexity

O(N) where N = number of nodes in the tree since we encounter each node once.

Space Complexity


12. Linked List Cycle


  • Fast and slow pointer.
  • Move slow ptr by one step.
  • Move fast ptr by two steps.
  • If they meet, there's a cycle

Time Complexity

O(N) where N = number of nodes

Space Complexity


13. Implement Queue using Stacks


  • Use two stacks: one for pushing and one for popping.
  • push():
    • insert to push-stack
  • pop():
    • if pop-stack is non-empty, pop() from there.
    • otherwise, copy everything in reverse from the push stack into pop stack and pop()
  • peek():
    • peek from the end of pop_stack if it's non-empty. Else, peek from the beginning of the push-stack if it's non-empty.
  • empty():
    • true if both stacks are empty, false otherwise.

Time Complexity

  • push(): O(1)
  • pop(): O(1) amortized.
  • peek(): O(1)
  • empty(): O(1)

Space Complexity


14. First Bad Version


Binary search. When a bad version is found, keep checking on the left half.

Time Complexity


Space Complexity


15. Ransom Note


Use a freq counter.

Time Complexity

O(N) where N = max length of either words.

Space Complexity

O(1) since the size of the dictionary can be 26 characters max.

16. Climbing Stairs


Similar to computing n-th fibonacci. Use a cache.

Time Complexity

O(N) since only N-1 recursive calls are needed due to caching.

Space Complexity

O(N) due to recursion stack.

17. Longest Palindrome


  • Count char frequency
  • Subtract 1 from all odd-frequency characters except 1 which we can use.
  • answer => sum of freq of all even characters + (1 if odd-freq exists else 0)

Time Complexity


Space Complexity



Approaches and solutions to Grind 75 leetcode questions

License:The Unlicense


Language:Python 100.0%