saikat1506 / ND-Computer-Pointer-Controller

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Computer Pointer Controller

This is my final Project in order to obtain the Intel Edge AI Nanodegree from Udacity. Project is to control the mouse pointer of computer using gaze estimation model. The application is capable of moving the computer pointer using only the movement from the head and eyes. You will be using the InferenceEngine API from Intel's OpenVino ToolKit to build the project.

The gaze estimation model requires three inputs:

  • The head pose
  • The left eye image
  • The right eye image.

To get these inputs, you will have to use three other OpenVino models:

  • Face Detection
  • Head Pose Estimation
  • Facial Landmarks Detection

This involves many considerations:

  • We need several models working together, each one covering a needed functionality. For example, a face detection model is used to feed a face landmarks model.
  • We need to control the application logic to create an optimal flow, as the models involved could use a lot of resources.
  • We have to coordinate the flow of data from the input, and then amongst the different models and finally to the mouse controller.
  • Regarding the models themselves, it could be interesting to check if we could use different precisions models in order to gain more performance.

In general, the flow looks like this:

The application uses gaze detection points with the use of deep learning model to estimate the gaze of user's eyes to move the mouse pointer position. It supports camera video stream and video file as input.

The Pipeline You will The flow of data will look like this:

Project Set Up and Installation

OpenVINO™ toolkit and its dependencies must be installed to run the application. OpenVINO 2020.2.130 is used on this project.

Create and configure a Python Virtual Environment This is recommended as a good practice. This project assumes you have Python>=3.6.9, if not, please check the related documentation.

Having Python installed, create a virtual environment running the following shell command:

python3 -m venv <your-env>

Activate it by running:

source your-env/bin/activate

There are certain pretrained models you need to download after initializing the openVINO environment:

source /opt/intel/openvino/bin/

To download the above pretrained model, run the following commands after creating model folder in the project directory and cd into it:

Face Detection

$ python3 /opt/intel/openvino/deployment_tools/tools/model_downloader/ --name "face-detection-adas-binary-0001"

Head Pose Estimation

$ python3 /opt/intel/openvino/deployment_tools/tools/model_downloader/ --name "head-pose-estimation-adas-0001"

Gaze Estimation Model

$ python3 /opt/intel/openvino/deployment_tools/tools/model_downloader/ --name "gaze-estimation-adas-0002"

Facial Landmarks Detection

$ python3 /opt/intel/openvino/deployment_tools/tools/model_downloader/ --name "landmarks-regression-retail-0009"


Use the following command to run the application

python3 src/ -i 'bin/demo.mp4' -fld 'models/intel/landmarks-regression-retail-0009/FP16/landmarks-regression-retail-0009.xml' -fd 'models/intel/face-detection-adas-binary-0001/FP32-INT1/face-detection-adas-binary-0001.xml' -ge 'models/intel/gaze-estimation-adas-0002/FP16/gaze-estimation-adas-0002.xml' -hp 'models/intel/head-pose-estimation-adas-0001/FP16/head-pose-estimation-adas-0001.xml' 


command line parameters

$ python3 --help
               [-l CPU_EXTENSION] [-prob PROB_THRESHOLD] [-d DEVICE]
               [-v VISUALIZATION]


I ran the benchmarks, using different model precisions, on my machine which is equipped with Intel® Core™ i5-6200U CPU @ 2.30GHz × 4



* Count: 5320 iterations
* Duration: 60037.26 ms
* Latency: 42.58 ms
* Throughput: 88.61 FPS


* Count: 78160 iterations
* Duration: 60002.77 ms
* Latency: 2.89 ms
* Throughput: 1302.61 FPS

* Count:  51312 iterations
* Duration: 60007.48 ms
* Latency: 4.43 ms
* Throughput: 855.09 FPS

* Count: 48736 iterations
* Duration: 60007.04 ms
* Latency: 4.48 ms
* Throughput: 812.17 FPS


* Count:  62812 iterations
* Duration: 60004.12 ms
* Latency: 3.55 ms
* Throughput: 1046.79 FPS

* Count:  81888 iterations
* Duration: 60004.36 ms
* Latency: 2.79 ms
* Throughput: 1364.70 FPS

* Count: 55084 iterations
* Duration: 60005.58 ms
* Latency: 3.63 ms
* Throughput: 917.98 FPS


* Count:  335108 iterations
* Duration: 60001.13 ms
* Latency: 0.68 ms
* Throughput: 5585.03 FPS

* Count:  295848 iterations
* Duration: 60000.93 ms
* Latency: 0.72 ms
* Throughput: 4930.72 FPS

* Count: 322800 iterations
* Duration: 60000.69 ms
* Latency:  0.67 ms
* Throughput: 5379.94 FPS


From the above results, the best model precision combination is that of Face detection 32 bits precision with other models in 16 bits. This reduce the model size and load time, although models with lower precision gives low accuracy but better inference time.

In this case, both model precisions tested had around the same performance. what is remarkably is that the face detection model is, by far, the most expensive computationally speaking, representing around 50% of all the inference time taken per frame.

In order to improve the application, it is suggested to check if there is another available face detection model that could reach similar performance, because at this point the biggest issue is the time taken for this model.

Regarding accuracy, it wasn't observed big differences between FP32 and FP16 models. This could be relevant because with FP16 models we can use hardware accelerators like VPUs without worrying about accuracy loss.

Async Inference

If you have used Async Inference in your code, benchmark the results and explain its effects on power and performance of your project.

Edge Cases

There are several edge cases that can be experienced while running inference on video file or camera stream.

  • If Multiple people is detected in the frame In that case, application will selects one person.



Language:Python 100.0%