saidmotya / GFX-AdPromote

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An Android library for member secretGFX group, This can be used to growing your apps and get more install via a simple banner view & native view and interstitial dialog.


Added YoutubePromote to promote your channel inside your application android and get more traffic to your videos (Views & Subscribe ) with attractif design :

Type Description
Intersitital 2 style.
Banner 320*50 dp.
Native 3 type of native > Full Native, Banner Native, Native without preview player.

Youtube Preview :

Native Example Native Example

Interstitial Example Interstitial Example


Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your project build.gradle file

allprojects {
    repositories {
        //your repository
        maven { url '' }

Step 2. Add the dependency in the form

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.saidmotya:GFX-AdPromote:1.0.4'


In your Java code, you can initialize the library with two way : inside splash with param Activity and check if the lib is connected than start the normal activity Or in MyApplication extend Application with param Context, see the full code source for more details :

AppPromote.initializePromote(this,"Your link json her");
        AppPromote.setOnPromoteListener(new OnPromoteListener() {
            public void onInitializeSuccessful() {
                //AppPromote onInitializeSuccessful

            public void onInitializeFailed(String error) {
                //AppPromote onInitializeFailed

How to use Banner Promote :

Place your banner promote in your xml layout like this:


Banner Promote Custom Attributes

Attribute Description
banner_bodyColor Color of the banner body (by default is white)
banner_contentColor Color of the banner content : title and description (description by default color : gray)
banner_installColor Install button color : default is blue
banner_installTitle Title of button : default is "Install"

Banner Promote in Java code :

In your Java code, you can initialize your banner view and get listener, you can make the attributes of banner progrmatically or in xml layout :

 BannerPromote bannerPromote = findViewById(;
        //bannerPromote.setInstallTitle("Play"); //Banner title button
        //bannerPromote.setInstallColor("#FFC107"); //Title button color with param String or Resource color
        //bannerPromote.setDescriptionColor(R.color.my_color_description);//Description Text color with param String or Resource color
        bannerPromote.setOnBannerListener(new OnBannerListener() {
            public void onBannerAdLoaded() {
                //banner loaded.

            public void onBannerAdClicked() {
                //banner clicked.

            public void onBannerAdFailedToLoad(String error) {
                //banner failed to load.


Banner Promote Example

Banner Promote Example

How to use Native promote :

Place your native promote in your xml layout like this:

        app:native_installTitle="Install" />

Native Promote Custom Attributes

Attribute Description
native_installTitle Title button of native, default : "Install"
native_installColor Color of the button native (by default color : blue)
native_contentColor Content color (Title of the app and description)
native_bodyColor Native Body background color : white is the default
native_installRadius Raduis of button install : corner of button, defualt is 20px

Native Promote in Java code :

In your Java code, you can initialize your native view and get listener :

 NativePromote nativePromote = findViewById(;
        nativePromote.setButtonTitle("Play Now");
        nativePromote.setRadiusButton(10);  //corner of button radius.
        nativePromote.setOnNativeListener(new OnNativeListener() {
            public void onNativeAdLoaded() {
                //Native loaded.

            public void onNativeAdClicked() {
                //Native clicked.

            public void onNativeAdFailedToLoad(String error) {
                //"Native failed to load

Native Promote Example

Native Promote Example

Interstitial Promote in Java code :

Initialize the interstitial promote inside your code and get more controller the attributes programmatically :

  InterstitialPromote interstitialPromote = new InterstitialPromote(MainActivity.this);
        interstitialPromote.setInstallColor(R.color.my_color); //color of button from resource.
        //interstitialAd.setInstallColor("#E91E63"); //color of button from string.
        interstitialPromote.setTimer(5);//5 second to closed the Ad.
        interstitialPromote.setInstallTitle("Play Now");
        interstitialPromote.setRadiusButton(10); //corner of button radius.
        interstitialPromote.setOnInterstitialAdListener(new OnInterstitialAdListener() {
            public void onInterstitialAdLoaded() {
                //interstitialAd loaded.

            public void onInterstitialAdClosed() {
                //interstitialAd closed.

            public void onInterstitialAdClicked() {
                //interstitialAd clicked.

            public void onInterstitialAdFailedToLoad(String error) {
                //Interstitial failed to load

Attributes programmatically for the InterstitialPromote:

  • setStyle Style of interstitial containt 2 style : InterstitialStyle.Advance or InterstitialStyle.Standard.
  • setInstallColor Color of install ad button : blue is default color.
  • setTimer CountDown time in Close button, you can make any time to block the close button : default is 0 (hide countDown).
  • setInstallTitle Title of install button : default is "Install".
  • setRadiusButton Raduis of button install : corner of button, defualt is 20px.

Showing Interstitial Promote :

When our lib initialize successful and check the interstitial is loaded than show him, if not start normal activity, check the code below :

 //check if the interstitial is loaded yet.
                if (interstitialPromote.isAdLoaded()) {

          ; //call showing interstitial
                    //when user close the interstitial ad, start the next activity.
                    interstitialPromote.setOnAdClosed(new OnAdClosed() {
                        public void onAdClosed() {
                            //your intent
                            //start your Activity
                } else {
                    //your intent : when ad is not ready yet.
                    //start your Activity

Interstitial Promote Example

Interstitial Promote Example

File json:

  • The json file must to be uploaded in your server. File Json

Help Maintenance

If you could help me to continue maintain this repo, buying me a cup of coffee will make my life really happy and get much energy out of it.

Buy Me A Coffee

Thanks :

  • The Glide Lib for display images. Visit
  • The Dotsindicator Lib for indicator viewPager. Visit


Copyright 2022 SAID MOTYA

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.



Language:Java 100.0%