sahilkumardhala / 3D-Car-Animation

This project showcases a 3D car animation model using HTML , CSS and JS. The model is rendered using the model-viewer library, allowing users to interact with and view the car from various angles. The interface is designed using Swiper, providing a slide-based experience.

Home Page:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This project showcases a 3D car animation model using HTML, CSS and JS. The model is rendered using the model-viewer library, allowing users to interact with and view the car from various angles. The interface is designed using Swiper, providing a slide-based experience.


To view the 3D car animation model, simply open the index.html file in a web browser.



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About the Project

This project showcases a 3D car animation model using HTML and CSS. The model is rendered using the model-viewer library, allowing users to interact with and view the car from various angles. The interface is designed using Swiper, providing a slide-based experience.

If you have specific questions or need further information about the project or the author, you can contact Sahil Kumar Dhala via their GitHub profile.


This project showcases a 3D car animation model using HTML , CSS and JS. The model is rendered using the model-viewer library, allowing users to interact with and view the car from various angles. The interface is designed using Swiper, providing a slide-based experience.

License:MIT License


Language:HTML 54.7%Language:JavaScript 42.2%Language:CSS 3.1%