sahilkhiwal07 / Wings_News

News App

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


News App

This is the demo project having features given below:

  1. Follow MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) archietecture.
  2. Using Navigation Components.
  3. Uses Retrofit for networking response.
  4. Uses Gson for json parsing.
  5. Uses Kotlin-Coroutines for background task.
  6. Uses Room for database storage.
  7. Shows breaking news at home page.
  8. Shows news article when click on news.
  9. You can add/remove news article in favourite page.
  10. You can search news at search page.
  • Breaking news at home page


  • Add the article in Favourite by clicking floating action button and showing message on snackbar


  • Showing added articles in Favourite


  • Delete article by swiping the article and you can also undo it by clicking on undo on snackbar


  • Search news with any keyword with delay time 3 sec
