sahandkhoshdel99 / Network-Security

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


I passed this course as one of my elective courses (originally part of Computer Engineering's program). It's main focus was on introducing the cryptographic basis of popular protocols and algorithms invovled in them such as: RSA, SSL/TLS, SMTP, POP3, IMAP, WEP, WPA (all versions), etc. Moreover, we gained knowledge about security in each layer of computer networks, involving how diffferent types of VPN connections work, Firewalls and their configuration tables, and also how different types of malware, phishing attacks and other potential threats can damage a network and access, modify, stop and reroute data. Intrusion Detection with SVM, Crytpocurrencis

Computer Assignemnts

Computer Assignemnts consist of 3 assignments which the second one was related to email security and done via microsoft outlook involving digital signatures, and mail configurations, and as a result, there's no such kind of report or code available for it.

The first computer assignment is an implementation of the primary RSA system , which is coded in python.

the third assignment's goal was to design an OAuth system via GitHub's servers granting client credential access through a simple login page writeten in HTML, which was itself coded in JavaScript.

Federated Learning and Privacy Preserving ML

This project is a survey presentation I have done with my collaborators Hamid Salemi, and Mehdi Zarei. It is mainly about how Federated Learning and more specifically, Secure Aggreagtion (Originally presented by Google in ACM 2017), tackle privacy issues in large and distributed ML system, and also about challenges GANs and Gradient Learning can produce in such systems.

The Slides are in English but the Report is unfortunalely in Persian. Although it can be translated and presented upon request.