sahadatjh / e-commerce-1

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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Developer Guide To Start The Project!

Local Environment Setup


  1. git
  2. vs code
  3. Node
  4. create-react-app
  5. pnpm
  6. docker

Start Application

To start the application run the following command

$ pnpm start

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Git Commit Message Guideline And Git Flow

Step 1. Prepend Trello card name with '_' on commit message

(e.g. Card name: Message Subject).

Step 2. Follow standard seven rules ( first three are mandatory) of commit message:

  1. Subject line will be capital letter format
  2. Use the imperative pattern in the subject line
  3. Do not end the subject line with a period
  4. Separate subject from body with a blank line
  5. Limit the subject line to 50 characters
  6. Wrap the body at 72 characters
  7. Use the body to explain what and why vs. how

Example: login: Add Attribution Field for Marketing Channel Analysis

Guideline for WIP 🚧 (working in progress)

If you are committing a work in progress, for which, you cannot come up a better name, don’t just commit WIP. Instead, think what you would commit if the work was completed, and add (WIP) after it. Like -

login: Add Login Api

Branch naming convention:

  1. Initial part will be as it is as per branch purpose (purpose example: "feature", "hotfix", "poc", "bugfix")
  2. Then put a "/"
  3. Then put Your name
  4. Then Put a "-"
  5. Then put the branch name with only hypen convention, no blankspace or underscore. Put the card name with '-' just after "/". (example: feature/Habib-Change-Password)
> Example: feature/Mamun-login, feature/Riyad-service-management , hotfix/tareq-wrong-otp-count, poc/Fahad-role-base-authentication,
> bugfix/Emon-typo-in-tnc

Extra Note: Periodically clean up dead branch (created by you)

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GIT Commands

$ git pull --rebase origin <branch-name> (for pull)
$ git push --force-with-lease origin <branch-name> (for push)
$ git fetch (when you want to fetch everything from remote repository)
$ git rebase origin/<branch-name>
$ git switch <branch-name> (when you want to switch branch from one to another)
$ git branch <branch-name> (branch-name will be created locally)
$ git branch (to list all the branches)



Language:JavaScript 100.0%