sagefarrenholz / Blimp

A lightweight C++ library that allows for the generation and manipulation of Bitmap images. Support for several bit depths.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A dead simple library for handling BMP format images. Great for programs that need fast image generation without the complexity. Support for antiquated bit depths such as 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, as well as modern bit depths: 24 and 32.


  • Exporting and loading with BMPINFOHEADER.
  • Pixel setting and getting.
  • Row filling, column filling, image fill.
  • Low bit depth support (1, 2, 4, 8, 16).
  • Palette swapping / modifying.
  • Row fill, column fill, image fill.
  • Compression support.
  • Exporting and loading with BITMAPV4HEADER & BITMAPV5HEADER.
  • Image scaling: nearest neighbor, linear interpolation.
  • Image crop, reflect, rotate.
  • Multiple image overlaying, merging, stiching, etc.
  • Extra effects like dither fills, filters, etc.
  • GPU acceleration and mutlithreading


  • C standard library, C math library, and C++ standard library.
  • Catch2 for testing.


  1. Run make in the root directory of the project. This creates the static library in the bin directory.
  2. Include blimp.h
  3. Link against libBlimp.a

Getting Started

Intialize your image. By default a new BMP image is 64 x 64 and has a bit depth of 24.

BMP image;

Optionally, provide contructor arguments to set the size and bit depth.

BMP image(512, 512); // 24 bit depth
BMP image2(300, 200, 16); // 16 bit depth

You can create a BMP object from an existing BMP image with either a constructor overload or the copy(string filename) function.

BMP image3("../greatpicture.bmp");

Resize or change the bit depth with the following functions:

image.set_size(512, 512);          

Generate your image with generate(string filename).


Blimp uses 32-bit integers for color but provides a simple alias for readability: color.

color red_24bit = 0xFF0000;
color blue_16bit = 0x001F;

Fill the image with your new color!


Sometimes you need to change just one pixel. Use set_pixel(int x, int y, color c).

image.set_pixel(50, 50, red_24bit);

If you want to get the color of one pixel, use color get_pixel(int x, int y).

image.get_pixel(50, 50);

You can also get and set pixels by index (starting at 0), if you are into that kinda thing:

image.set_pixel(20, red_24bit);

Vapor Lena


A lightweight C++ library that allows for the generation and manipulation of Bitmap images. Support for several bit depths.

License:MIT License


Language:C++ 99.8%Language:C 0.1%Language:Makefile 0.1%Language:Shell 0.0%