sagax / fgbot_irc-colorcode-render

parses irc colorcodes, and converts them to images

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


parses irc colorcodes, and converts them to images

works in browsers and with node



colorcode.to_canvas(text [, opts])

renders colorcode text to a canvas, and returns the canvas. text can be a string or json.

the function will return immediately, but the canvas might be drawn asynchronously, if it is waiting for a font to load. you can pass a callback function to be called when the canvas is complete in opts:

colorcode.to_canvas("hello world", {done: function(canvas){ ... }})

if opts has a canvas property, that canvas will be drawn on instead of creating one.


opts can also contain other properties like palette (sets color scheme) or fg (sets initial foreground text color). styles can also be set globally on, for example: = 'mirc'


colorcode.to_json(text [, opts])

parses a colorcode into a json structure. the json has a width and height (measured in characters), and an array lines that has an array for each line of text. each line is an array of objects for each character. each character object has a unicode value, a fg and bg, which are foreground and background color numbers, and b, i, u (bold/italic/underline) styling flags.



you can just include the file build/irc-colorcode-render.js

running make will recompile the browser build of irc-colorcode-render.js


this is a little more involved :(

assuming debian/ubuntu, install cairo dependencies:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libcairo2-dev libjpeg8-dev libpango1.0-dev libgif-dev build-essential g++

(for other systems, check node-canvas wiki)

if you don't have npm/node, install it:

sudo apt-get install npm
sudo npm update -g npm
sudo npm install -g n
sudo n stable


sudo npm install irc-colorcode-render


parses irc colorcodes, and converts them to images


Language:JavaScript 99.4%Language:Makefile 0.6%