sagarwani / VmdkReader

.NET 4.0 Console App to browse VMDK / VHD images and extract files

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


.Net 4.0 Console App to read and extract files from vmdk images

Uses lib to parse the vmdk images.

Useful in cases where the vmdk is on the network and you only want to copy a single file instead of GBs (e.g ntds.dit), since it does not transfer the whole disk over the network.

Project uses:

  • Quamotion.DiscUtils.Core
  • Quamotion.DiscUtils.Ntfs
  • Quamotion.DiscUtils.Streams
  • Quamotion.DiscUtils.Vmdk

and ILMerge 3.0.29 & ILMerge.MSBuild.Task to bundle the required dlls. Generated file < 1024kb



--source: The source of the vmdk drive. It can also accept SMB paths

--directory: The directory you want to list from the vmdk disk. If not provided will default to root path

cp - Will copy a file from the vmdk to the destination provided

--source: The source of the vmdk drive. It can also accept SMB paths

--file2copy: The file you want to copy from the vmdk disk

--destination: The destination where to save the file


vmdk.exe --command dir --source \backupserver\dc01\dc01.vmdk --directory \Windows\System32")

vmdk.exe --command cp --source \backupserver\dc01\dc01.vmdk --file2copy \Windows\System32\calc.exe --destination C:\users\user\Desktop\calc.exe

WARNING - tested only with specific vmdk/vhd images and network latencies. Use at your own risk!


Add support for filesystem detection

Add support for nfs / iSCSI


.NET 4.0 Console App to browse VMDK / VHD images and extract files


Language:C# 100.0%