saffi-786 / 100_Days_of_LeetCode

In this repository, I will be updating the questions along with codes that I would solve on LeetCode for the next 100 days starting from 1st Jan 2023

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In this repository, I will be updating the questions along with codes that I would solve on LeetCode for the next 100 days starting from 1st Jan 2023.

DAY 01 - 1st JAN 2023

1.1 - Strictly Palindromic Number (Medium) 1.2 - Queries on Number of Points Inside a Circle (Medium) 1.3 - Number of Laser Beams in a Bank (Medium) 1.4 - Word Pattern (Easy)

DAY 02 - 2nd JAN 2023

2.1 - Detect Capital (Easy) 2.2 - Minimum Operations to Make Array Equal (Medium) 2.3 - Count Number of Distinct Integers After Reverse Operations (Medium) 2.4 - Integer to Roman (Medium)

DAY 03 - 3rd JAN 2023

3.1 - Delete Columns to Make Sorted (Easy)

DAY 04 - 4th JAN 2023

4.1 - Concatenation of Array (Easy) 4.2 - Final Value of Variable After Performing Operations (Easy) 4.3 - Minimum Rounds to Complete All Tasks (Medium) 4.4 - Jewels and Stones (Easy)

DAY 05 - 5th JAN 2023

5.1 - Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst Balloons (Medium)

DAY 06 - 6th JAN 2023

6.1 - Maximum Ice Cream Bars (Medium) 6.2 - Widest Vertical Area Between Two Points Containing No Points (Medium)

Day 07 - 7th JAN 2023

7.1 - Sort the Matrix Diagonally (Medium) 7.2 - Gas Station (Medium)

Day 08 - 8th JAN 2023

8.1 - Max Points on a Line (Hard)

Day 09 - 9th JAN 2023

9.1 - Binary Tree Preorder Traversal (Easy)

Day 10 - 10th JAN 2023

10.1 - Same Tree (Easy) 10.2 - Symmetric Tree (Easy) 10.3 - Deepest Leaves Sum (Medium) 10.4 - Sum of Nodes with Even-Valued Grandparent (Medium)

Day 11 - 11th JAN 2023

11.1 - Minimum Time to Collect All Apples in a Tree (Medium)

Day 12 - 12th JAN 2023

12.1 - Number of Nodes in the Sub-Tree With the Same Label (Medium)

Day 13 - 13th JAN 2023

13.1 - Longest Path With Different Adjacent Characters (Hard)

Day 14 - 14th JAN 2023

14.1 - Lexicographically Smallest Equivalent String (Medium)

Day 15 - 15th JAN 2023

15.1 - Merge Nodes in Between Zeros (Medium) 15.2 - Maximum Twin Sum of a Linked List (Medium) 15.3 - Merge In Between Linked Lists (Medium)

Day 16 - 16th JAN 2023

16.1 - Reverse Linked List (Easy)

Day 17 - 17th JAN 2023

17.1 - Convert Binary Number in a Linked List to Integer (Easy) 17.2 - Middle of the Linked List (Easy) 17.3 - Swapping Nodes in a Linked List (Medium) 17.4 - Odd Even Linked List (Medium) 17.5 - Remove Nodes From Linked List (Medium)

Day 18 - 18th JAN 2023

18.1 - Swap Nodes in Pairs (Medium)

Day 19 - 19th JAN 2023

19.1 - Subarray Sums Divisible by K (Medium) 19.2 - Remove Nth Node From End of List (Medium) 19.3 - Valid Parentheses (Easy) 19.4 - Add Two Numbers (Medium)

Day 20 - 20th JAN 2023

20.1 - Construct the Rectangle (Easy) 20.2 - Number of Burgers with No Waste of Ingredients (Medium) 20.3 - Count Number of Homogenous Substrings (Mdeium)

Day 21 - 21st JAN 2023

21.1 - Restore IP Addresses (Medium)

Day 22 - 22nd JAN 2023

22.1 - 3Sum (Medium) 22.2 - 3Sum Closest (Medium)

Day 23 - 23rd JAN 2023

23.1 - Find the Town Judge (Easy) 23,2 - Destination City (Easy) 23.3 - Minimum Number of Steps to Make Two Strings Anagram (Medium) 23.4 - Finding the Users Active Minutes (Medium)

Day 24 - 24th JAN 2023

24.1 - Number of Good Pairs (Easy) 24.2 - Number of Substrings With Only 1s (Medium)

Day 25 - 25th JAN 2023

25.1 - Group the People Given the Group Size They Belong To (Medium)

Day 26 - 26th JAN 2023

26.1 - Sort the Students by Their Kth Score (Medium)

Day 27 - 27th JAN 2023

27.1 - Shuffle the Array (Easy)

Day 28 - 28th JAN 2023

28.1 - Buddy Strings (Easy)

Day 29 - 29th JAN 2023

29.1 - Merge Two Sorted Lists (Easy) 29.2 - Rotate List (Medium) 29.3 - Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II (Medium) 29.4 - Partition List (Medium)

Day 30 - 30th JAN 2023

30.1 - N-th Tribonacci Number (Easy) 30.2 - Sort List (Medium) 30.3 - Add Two Numbers II (Medium)

Day 31 - 31st JAN 2023

31.1 - Container With Most Water (Medium)

Day 32 - 1st FEB 2023

32.1 - Number of Valid Words in a Sentence (Easy) 32.2 - Long Pressed Name (Easy)

Day 33 - 2nd FEB 2023

33.1 - Verifying an Alien Dictionary (Easy) 33.2 - Number of Different Integers in a String (Easy) 33.3 - Number of Segments in a String (Easy)

Day 34 - 3rd FEB 2023

34.1 - Backspace String Compare (Easy) 34.2 - Palindrome Linked List (Easy) 34.3 - Valid Palindrome (Easy)

Day 35 - 4th FEB 2023

35.1 - Permutation in String (Medium)

Day 36 - 5th FEB 2023

36.1 - Find All Anagrams in a String (Medium)

Day 37 - 6th FEB 2023

37.1 - Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array (Easy) 37.2 - Remove Element (Easy) 37.3 - Find the Index of the First Occurrence in a String (Medium)

Day 38 - 7th FEB 2023

38.1 - Sort Array By Parity (Easy)

Day 39 - 8th FEB 2023

39.1 - Add Binary (Easy)

Day 40 - 9th FEB 2023

40.1 - Strong Password Checker II (Easy)

Day 41 - 10th FEB 2023

41.1 - Contains Duplicate (Easy)

Day 42 - 11th FEB 2023

42.1 - Shortest Path with Alternating Colors (Medium)

Day 43 - 12th FEB 2023

43.1 - Separate the Digits in an Array (Easy)

Day 44 - 13th FEB 2023

44.1 - Count Odd Numbers in an Interval Range (Easy)

Day 45 - 14th FEB 2023

45.1 - Rearrange Array Elements by Sign (Medium)

Day 46 - 15th FEB 2023

46.1 - Add to Array-Form of Integer (Easy)

Day 47 - 16th FEB 2023

47.1 - Maximum Depth of Binary Tree (Easy)

Day 48 - 17th FEB 2023

48.1 - Minimum Distance Between BST Nodes (Easy)

Day 49 - 18th FEB 2023

49.1 - Invert Binary Tree (Easy)

Day 50 - 19th FEB 2023

50.1 - Range Sum of BST (Easy)

Day 51 - 20th FEB 2023

51.1 - Move Zeroes (Easy)

Day 52 - 21th FEB 2023

52.1 - Single Element in a Sorted Array (Medium)

Day 53 - 22th FEB 2023

53.1 - Capacity To Ship Packages Within D Days (Medium)

Day 54 - 23th FEB 2023

54.1 - IPO (Hard)

Day 55 - 24th FEB 2023

55.1 - Minimize Deviation in Array (Hard)

Day 56 - 25th FEB 2023

56.1 - Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock (Easy)

Day 57 - 26th FEB 2023

57.1 - Edit Distance (Hard) 57.2 - Set Matrix Zeroes (Medium) 57.3 - Search a 2D Matrix (Medium) 57.4 - H-Index (Medium) 57.5 - H-Index II (Medium)

Day 58 - 27th FEB 2023

Day 59 - 28th FEB 2023

Day 60 - 1st MAR 2023

Day 61 - 2nd MAR 2023


In this repository, I will be updating the questions along with codes that I would solve on LeetCode for the next 100 days starting from 1st Jan 2023