sadmanca / mbox-attachment-extractor

Repository from Github https://github.comsadmanca/mbox-attachment-extractorRepository from Github https://github.comsadmanca/mbox-attachment-extractor

mbox Attachment Extractor


This Python script ( is designed to parse .mbox files containing email messages, extract attachments from those emails, and optionally save each email as an individual .mbox file in corresponding folders. It provides a command-line interface (CLI) to customize its behavior based on various options.


  • Attachment Extraction: Automatically detects and saves attachments from emails in the .mbox file.
  • Individual Email Saving: Optionally saves each email as a separate .mbox file in a directory named after the email's timestamp and subject.
  • Logging: Logs detailed information about the processing steps, including saved emails, skipped emails, and errors.
  • Progress Monitoring: Uses tqdm to display a progress bar in the terminal, indicating the status of email processing.
  • Customizable Output: Allows specifying an output folder where attachments and .mbox files are saved.


  • Python 3.x
  • Required Python packages (colorama, tqdm)


Command-Line Options

The script accepts several command-line options to customize its behavior:

  • Positional Arguments:

  • mbox_file: Path to the .mbox file to be processed.

  • Optional Arguments:

  • -s, --save-mbox: Save each email as an individual .mbox file in folders. Default is False.

  • -v, --verbose: Print detailed logs to the terminal in addition to saving them to a log file. Default is False.

  • -l, --log-first-line: Include the first line of each email (From field) in the log file. Default is False.

  • -o OUTPUT_FOLDER, --output-folder OUTPUT_FOLDER: Specify the output folder where attachments and .mbox files will be saved. Default is emails.


  1. Basic Usage:
  • Processes mboxfile.mbox without saving individual .mbox files, without verbose logging, and saving output in the default emails folder.
python path/to/your/mboxfile.mbox
  1. Save Individual .mbox Files:
  • Processes mboxfile.mbox, saves each email as an individual .mbox file in default emails folder.
python path/to/your/mboxfile.mbox -s
  1. Verbose Output:
  • Processes mboxfile.mbox, prints detailed logs to the terminal, and saves output in the default emails folder.
python path/to/your/mboxfile.mbox -v
  1. Custom Output Folder:
  • Processes mboxfile.mbox, saves attachments and .mbox files in custom_output_folder.
python path/to/your/mboxfile.mbox -o "custom_output_folder/path""
  1. Verbose and Log First Line:
  • Processes mboxfile.mbox, prints detailed logs to the terminal with the first line of each email included, and saves output in the default emails folder.
python path/to/your/mboxfile.mbox -v -l


  • Attachments: Extracted attachments from emails are saved in subfolders within the specified or default output folder.
  • Log File: Detailed logs of the processing steps are saved in a timestamped log file (email_parser_<timestamp>.log).
python -h


  • Ensure Python and required packages (colorama, tqdm) are installed before running the script.
  • Use -h or --help for help with command-line options:



Language:Python 100.0%