sacheendra / spark-data-generator

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


The program support 4 modes: test, datagen, metagen, query


Assuming you have java 11 and sbt installed. Use sdkman to install them if you don't.

Make sure conf/spark-defaults.conf in your spark installation directory are configured properly.

~ sbt package
~ spark-submit --class "ParquetGenerator" \
    --master k8s://https://<k8s-apiserver-host>:<k8s-apiserver-port> \ \
    --deploy-mode cluster \
    local:///opt/contistuff/parquet-data-generator_2.12-1.0.jar [mode] [storagePath] [dsdgenPath] [queryName]
~ mode validOptions ...
~ test storagePath
~ datagen storagePath dsdgenPath
~ metagen storagePath
~ query queryName

For metagen and query, the appropriate hive metastore should be configured in spark-defaults.conf.

For datagen and metagen, the appropriate GCS keyfile needs to be mounted using docker or kubernetes.

The project provides a Dockerfile which can be used to build a docker image with the necessary libraries and binaries using docker build -t sacheendra/contispark:something -f docker/Dockerfile ..

Upload the created image to a registry, then modify the container image to use in docker/spark-conf/spark-defaults.conf.

If running outside GCP

Add the gcs keyfile as secret named gcs-keyfile to kubernetes.

Use command kubectl create secret generic gcs-keyfile --from-file=gcs_keyfile.json to create the kubernetes secret.

Modify spark defaults when submitting the job to change config

Copy the spark-defaults.conf into your local spark conf directory, and then run the spark-submit command above.

For convenience, you could also use the docker image itself to run the spark-submit command.

Configuration options for spark performance here:

Start metastore

Run docker-compose up in the docker folder to start metastore.

Add the IP and port of the metastore to the spark-defaults.conf as option spark.hive.metastore.uris.


License:Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International


Language:Scala 83.1%Language:Dockerfile 13.4%Language:Shell 3.5%