sacheendra / contikube-openwhisk

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Requires at least a 3 node kubernetes cluster. One for kubernetes control place, one for openwhisk control plane, and the rest for invokers.

Mark nodes for the help chart

kubectl label nodes cloud1 openwhisk-role=core

kubectl label nodes -l 'openwhisk-role!=core,!' openwhisk-role=invoker

Add a helm repo and deploy openwhisk

helm repo add openwhisk
helm repo update
helm install owdev openwhisk/openwhisk -n default -f mycluster.yaml

Configure openwhisk cli

Use the ip of the node openwhisk controller was deployed on.

wsk property set --apihost
wsk property set --auth 23bc46b1-71f6-4ed5-8c54-816aa4f8c502:123zO3xZCLrMN6v2BKK1dXYFpXlPkccOFqm12CdAsMgRU4VrNZ9lyGVCGuMDGIwP

Test basic function creation and invocation

wsk -i action create hello hello.js
wsk -i action invoke hello --result

Run the simple benchmark

  1. Install Node.JS
  2. Install packages using npm install.
  3. Install Openwhisk.
  4. Change kubernetes config and openwhisk parameter in js file.
  5. Run the experiment using node run-experiment.js <depth> <parallelism> <ietrations> <output_folder>
  6. Use kubectl delete pods -l user-action-pod=true to delete pods between subsequent runs.

Running the Sebs benchmark

  1. Install zip, containerd,, python3-venv, libcurl4-openssl-dev, and libssl-dev on the cloud controller node.
  2. Add user to docker group and relogin
  3. Clone the sebs repo: and checkout v1.1
  4. Run ./ --openwhisk --local
  5. Activate the sebs environment . python-venv/bin/activate
  6. Start local storage ./ storage start minio --port 9011 --output-json out_storage.json
  7. Download the wsk binary and add it to path. wget
  8. Add wsk to path export PATH="/home/cloud0/contikube-openwhisk:$PATH"
  9. Copy storage config to example config file, set storage port to mapped port, and enable insecure execution.
  10. Run test as described in
  11. For example, ./ benchmark invoke 110.dynamic-html test --config config/example.json --deployment openwhisk --verbose



Language:Python 51.4%Language:JavaScript 34.4%Language:Shell 14.1%