sachac / emacs-director

Simulate Emacs user sessions. For end-to-end testing and hands-free screencast recording

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Director: Simulate Emacs user sessions

Director drives an Emacs session from the point of view of the user. It can be used for end-to-end testing, hands-free screencast recording, probably more.

Director is similar in spirit to web tools such as Selenium Webdriver. It is not a general purpose solution for Emacs automation; use Lisp for that.

Table of Contents


Developer preview, low-level API only. See limitations. Currently used in run-command.


  1. Clone this repository.

  2. Review examples/demo/demo.el:

 :user-dir "/tmp/director-demo"
 :packages '()
 :load-path '("../.."))

 :version 1
 :before-start (lambda ()
                 (switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "*example*"))
                 (menu-bar-mode -1)
                 (setq python-indent-guess-indent-offset nil)
 :steps '((:call run-python)
          (:type "def greet():\r")
          (:type "print(\"hello, world!\")")
          (:type "\M-x")
          (:type "python-shell-send-defun")
          (:type [return])
          (:type "\C-xo")
          (:type "greet()\r"))
 :typing-style 'human
 :delay-between-steps 1
 :after-end (lambda () (kill-emacs 0))
 :on-error (lambda () (kill-emacs 1)))
  1. Launch it:
$ cd examples/demo
$ emacs -Q -nw -l ../../util/director-bootstrap.el -l demo.el
  1. Emacs starts and plays:


Recording screencasts

  1. Write a session script (see demo.el in this repository for a minimal example, or run-command's demo.el for a real-life example)
  2. Install asciicast and asciicast2gif
  3. Create a session script and save it as e.g. my-session-script.el
  4. Launch with:
$ asciinema rec demo.cast -c 'emacs -nw -Q -l director-bootstrap.el -l my-session-script.el'
  1. Review the recording with:
asciinema play demo.cast
  1. Convert to a gif with:
asciicast2gif demo.cast demo.gif

See below for information about director-bootstrap.el.

End-to-end testing

See run-command's test scenarios for an example.

  • launches a headless (via screen) Emacs instance for each scenario-*.el file
    • scenario-*.el loads setup.el to perform common setup and load fixtures
      • setup.el uses director-bootstrap to create a controlled testing environment in /tmp and install dependencies
    • scenario-*.el invokes director-run with instructions to run the scenario

See below for information about director-bootstrap.el.

Running in a controlled environment

You can create and refine simulate sessions in your everyday interactive Emacs, but often you'll want to run them in a minimal, reproducible environment, either for correctness (tests) or clarity (demos).

Preparing such environment may consist of:

  • setting a user-directory other than your .emacs.d
  • initializing the package system and downloading dependencies
  • adding local paths to the load-path
  • loading Director itself

As a convenience, you can copy util/director-bootstrap.el to your project, and invoke director-bootstrap before director-run:

 :user-dir "/tmp/my-package-test"
 :packages '(some-package-we-depend-on some-other-package)
 :load-path '("/path/to/director" ;; will move to :packages once director is on MELPA

Load it before everything else with:

$ emacs -Q -nw -l director-bootstrap.el -l my-session-script.el

It would be nice if Director itself were able to provide bootstrapping, but since making Director available is part of the bootstrapping, there's an obvious chicken-and-egg problem.


Debugging strategies are rudimentary for now:

  • if you're running a headless session under screen -D -m, run a visible one instead
  • increase :delay-between-steps to see what's going on
  • set a :log-target file and tail -f it
  • add (:log FORM) steps
  • add a (:suspend) step, inspect the session interactively, resume with M-x director-resume

API reference

Command: director-resume

Resume from a (:suspend) step.

Function: director-run

Simulate a user session as defined by CONFIG.

CONFIG is a property list containing the following properties and their values:

  • :version: required number indicating the config format version; must be 1
  • :steps: required list of steps (see below for the step format)
  • :before-start : optional function to run before the first step
  • :after-end optional function to run after the last step
  • :after-step optional function to run after every step
  • :on-failure: optional function to run when an :assert step fails
  • :on-error: optional function to run when a step triggers an error
  • :log-target: optional cons cell of the format (file . "filename") specifying a file to save the log to
  • :typing-style: optional symbol changing the way that :type steps type characters; set to human to simulate a human typing
  • :delay-between-steps: optional number specifying how many seconds to wait after a step; defaults to 1; set lower for automated tests

A step can be one of:

  • :type: simulate typing text; can be a string or a vector of key events; if a string, it will be converted to key events using listify-key-sequence and can contain special characters, e.g. (:type "\M-xsetenv\r")
  • :call: shortcut to invoke an interactive command, e.g. (:call setenv)
  • :eval: Lisp form; it will be evaluated
  • :log: Lisp form; it will be evaluated and its result will be written to log; e.g. (:log (buffer-file-name (current-buffer)))
  • :wait: number; seconds to wait before next step; overrides config-wide :delay-between-steps
  • :assert: Lisp form; if it evaluates to nil, execution is interrupted and function configured through :on-failure is called
  • :suspend: suspend execution; useful for debugging; resume using the director-resume command

Limitations and further development

The currently entry point, director-run, is a low-level building block rather than a proper user interface: it requires you to specify everything, every time, and doesn't provide higher-level functionality such as interactive debugging, parallel runs, and test resporting. The goal is to eventually have that, though driven by real use cases rather than upfront design.


Simulate Emacs user sessions. For end-to-end testing and hands-free screencast recording

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Emacs Lisp 100.0%