sachaarbonel / typed-sql

This crate provides the sql! macro for building fully type checked SQL statements inside your Rust code using roughly SQL compatible syntax. Fails at compile time if sql parser fails to parse your query

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This crate provides the sql! macro for building fully type checked SQL statements inside your Rust code using roughly SQL compatible syntax. Fails at compile time if sql parser fails to parse your query

Quick Preview

 let value = sql!(CREATE TABLE Persons (
        PersonID int,
        LastName varchar(255),
        FirstName varchar(255),
        Address varchar(255),
        City varchar(255)
    assert_eq!(value, "CREATE TABLE Persons (PersonID INT(32), LastName VARCHAR(255), FirstName VARCHAR(255), Address VARCHAR(255), City VARCHAR(255))");


This crate provides the sql! macro for building fully type checked SQL statements inside your Rust code using roughly SQL compatible syntax. Fails at compile time if sql parser fails to parse your query


Language:Rust 100.0%