sabrinamqq / BetaGo

BetaGo robot maintained by South China University of Technology PEMT Laboratory

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This repository is about the BetaGo robot maintained by South China University of Technology PEMT Laboratory.





  • moveit-ros packages:
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-moveit-ros-*
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-moveit
  • ridgeback packages:
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-ridgeback*
  • UR5 packages:
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-ur-*
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-ur5*

we add the td_ros directly by submodule.

modify all the TdLib_DIR in the CMakeLists.txt to your case.


create the workspace

mkdir ~/BetaGo_ws && cd ~/BetaGo_ws

clone this repositories and build

git clone --recursive src/

Possible problem: 1.

 catkin_package() include dir 'include' does not exist relative to
  • solution: add include directory in the [package_path]
  1. No rule to make target '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
    • solution: sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/


  • ur5 and allegro_hand are imported by environment variable RIDGEBACK_URDF_EXTRAS. RIDGEBACK_URDF_EXTRAS = your workspace path/src/betago_description/urdf/betago/ridgeback_urdf_extras.xacro

    • method1: set temporary environment variable:export RIDGEBACK_URDF_EXTRAS=~/BetaGo_ws/src/betago_description/urdf/betago/ridgeback_urdf_extras.xacro
    • method2: set permanent environment variable:
      1. terminal:sudo gedit ~/.bashrc
      2. add export RIDGEBACK_URDF_EXTRAS=~/BetaGo_ws/src/betago_description/urdf/betago/ridgeback_urdf_extras.xacro in the end.
      3. terminal:source ~/.bashrc
  • Check if the model has been downloaded in ~/.Gazebo/, if not, you need to download the model first and put it in ~/.Gazebo/. Download link. For Chinese, download from : link:, password:cmxc

      1. terminal:sudo gedit ~/.bashrc
      2. add export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH="/home/wang/.gazebo/models" in the end.
      3. terminal:source ~/.bashrc

Real robot

Step to connect to the ridgeback by wired connection

  1. plug in the network cable.
  2. start the ridgeback, then push the E-STOP to release the lock.
  3. set the wired connection in your desktop, see the gif.
  4. add the config in the below to your ~/.bashrc, and source ~/.bashrc
export ROS_MASTER_URI= #Ethernet
export ROS_IP=

5.add the config CPR-R100-0057in the below to your /etc/hosts, the location is after the line like	localhost	[your-computer-name]

6.rostopic list in your desktop to see if the topics in the ridgeback have been send to your desktop. If receive the topic, the connection is valid.

Step to connect to the ridgeback by wireless network

  1. connect the ridgeback's computer and your pc to the same Local Area Network.
  2. get the IP of ridgeback by ifconfig -a in ridgeback's computer. The IP is in the wlp3s0 item, and the sentence is inet addr:[IP_ridgeback].
  3. get the IP of your pc by 'ifconfig -a' in you pc. The IP is in the wlo1 item, and the sentence is inet addr:[IP_pc].
  4. comment out the config code for wire connection. And add the config in the below to your ~/.bashrc, and source ~/.bashrc
    export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://[IP_ridgeback]:11311 #Ethernet
    export ROS_IP=[IP_pc]
  5. add the config [IP_ridgeback] CPR-R100-0057in the below to your /etc/hosts, the location is after the line like	localhost	[your-computer-name]

6.rostopic list in your desktop to see if the topics in the ridgeback have been send to your desktop. If receive the topic, the connection is valid. 7. note!!!: after connection with ridgeback's computer, if your pc also need to run ros, comment out the content added in step 4 and 5 and re-source.

step to login the ridgeback's pc by ssh

  1. ssh administrator@[IP_ridgeback]

Step to run the package

  • ur5 and allegro_hand are imported by environment variable RIDGEBACK_URDF_EXTRAS. RIDGEBACK_URDF_EXTRAS = your workspace path/src/betago_description/urdf/betago/ridgeback_urdf_extras.xacro
    • method1: set temporary environment variable:export RIDGEBACK_URDF_EXTRAS=your workspace path/src/betago_description/urdf/betago/ridgeback_urdf_extras.xacro
    • method2: set permanent environment variable:
      1. terminal:sudo gedit ~/.bashrc
      2. add export RIDGEBACK_URDF_EXTRAS="your workspace path/src/betago_description/urdf/betago/ridgeback_urdf_extras.xacro" in the end.
      3. terminal:source ~/.bashrc

File explanation





BetaGo robot maintained by South China University of Technology PEMT Laboratory

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:C++ 77.8%Language:CMake 21.5%Language:Lua 0.7%