Sabin Lungu's repositories


A Health Board System that allows users to add staff. clients and visits to the system and to also record the different types of visits that a client may require, for example scheduling visits for bathing, administering drugs etc.



A Connect 4 Game in C that makes use of Data Structures and Algorithms. The game can be played 1vs1 and also against a Computer with an AI Algorithm.



First README on my GitHub profile



C Pre Processor - The purpose of this application is to read in a .c file in the command line using the -i argument that will count the number of non-empty lines, number of comments, remove the comments from the file, remove "#include" and replace them with the methods in the header file and to also preprocess the #define at the start of the file. A .o output file will be written to the disk automatically once the application is built and executed using "coursework1 -i filename.c" The -c command line argument is included in the makefile that will keep the comments instead of removing them in the file



Nowadays, blockchain based web applications are becoming more and more popular. Decentralised applications that are being built on the Ethereum blockchain have more advantages than centralised ones. Users do not have to rely on a centralised and governed authority such as banks or any other intermediaries to verify and approve transactions. Usually because transactions are placed in a pending state which can take a very long time to be approved by banks. Transactions could also potentially fail if they are deemed to be suspicious of malicious activity. However, the main problem is that online transactions are prone to be intercepted by malicious users which can result in fraud. They also come with security flaws when stored in a local database. We propose that as a group, gather the functional requirements, design, develop, test, document and deploy a decentralized Web3 application on the Ethereum blockchain, allowing users to view, search, paginate and sort through popular events in their local area and purchase tickets corresponding to an event.



Event Tickets are at high risk of being counterfeited, stolen or even resold on malicious websites by individuals. This is a very big problem for people who wish to attend special events that are very expensive. Generally we can avoid this by implementing a proof of ownership oriented web application.



eHouseholds is a web application that encourages individuals to reduce their peak electricity consumption. Users are allocated random hourly time slots of when they can run certain appliances to meet renewable energy sources from national grids. Moreover, users can choose at which time they wish to run their appliances, but they will have to negotiate them against other households (bots) by paying virtual credits if their bid is the highest.



TechRUs is an enterprise e-commerce platform which is built with the purpose of selling technology products to customers such as TVs, PS5 Video Games, External storage drives and much more. Moreover, the application is developed with a focus on the MVC, Micro-services and client/server architecture.
