sabersebti / JS-Password-Generator

A JavaScript password generator with a prompt command

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Password Generator

A simple password generator that allows the user to customize the length and character types of their password.


  • Prompts user for desired password length (between 10 and 64 characters)
  • Prompts user for which character types to include in password (lowercase, uppercase, numeric, and special characters)
  • Validates that at least one character type is selected
  • Generates a random password that meets the user's criteria


  1. Click the "Generate Password" button
  2. Input the desired length of your password (minimum 10 and maximum 64 characters)
  3. Select which character types to include in your password
  4. Click "OK" to confirm your choices
  5. Your generated password will appear on the page.

Technologies Used

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript


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A JavaScript password generator with a prompt command


Language:JavaScript 60.5%Language:CSS 28.1%Language:HTML 11.4%