sQVe / arrow.nvim

Bookmark your files, separated by project, and quickly navigate through them.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Arrow.nvim is a plugin made to manage quick file bookmarks using a single UI. You can just map one key and have everything you need to get started.

arrow.nvim arrow.nvim_gif



return {
  opts = {
    show_icons = true,
    leader_key = ';' -- Recommended to be a single key


use { 'otavioschwanck/arrow.nvim', config = function()
    show_icons = true,
    leader_key = ';' -- Recommended to be a single key
end }


Just press the leader_key set on setup and follow you heart. (Is that easy)

Differences from harpoon:

  • Single keymap needed
  • Different UI to manage the bookmarks
  • Statusline helpers
  • Show only the filename (show path only when needed: same filename twice or too generic filename, like create, index, etc)
  • Has colors and icons <3
  • Has the delete mode to quickly delete items
  • Files can be opened vertically or horizontally
  • Still has the option to edit file

Advanced Setup

  show_icons = true,
  always_show_path = false,
  separate_by_branch = false, -- Bookmarks will be separated by git branch
  hide_handbook = false, -- set to true to hide the shortcuts on menu.
  save_path = function()
    return vim.fn.stdpath("cache") .. "/arrow"
  mappings = {
    edit = "e",
    delete_mode = "d",
    clear_all_items = "C",
    toggle = "s", -- used as save if separate_save_and_remove is true
    open_vertical = "v",
    open_horizontal = "-",
    quit = "q",
    remove = "x", -- only used if separate_save_and_remove is true
  custom_actions = {
    open = function(target_file_name, current_file_name) end, -- target_file_name = file selected to be open, current_file_name = filename from where this was called
    split_vertical = function(target_file_name, current_file_name) end,
    split_horizontal = function(target_file_name, current_file_name) end,
  window = { -- controls the appearance and position of an arrow window (see nvim_open_win() for all options)
    width = "auto",
    height = "auto",
    row = "auto",
    col = "auto",
    border = "double",
  separate_save_and_remove = false, -- if true, will remove the toggle and create the save/remove keymaps.
  leader_key = ";",
  save_key = "cwd", -- what will be used as root to save the bookmarks. Can be also `git_root`.
  global_bookmarks = false, -- if true, arrow will save files globally (ignores separate_by_branch)
  index_keys = "123456789zxcbnmZXVBNM,afghjklAFGHJKLwrtyuiopWRTYUIOP", -- keys mapped to bookmark index, i.e. 1st bookmark will be accessible by 1, and 12th - by c
  full_path_list = { "update_stuff" } -- filenames on this list will ALWAYS show the file path too.

You can also map previous and next key:

vim.keymap.set("n", "H", require("arrow.persist").previous)
vim.keymap.set("n", "L", require("arrow.persist").next)
vim.keymap.set("n", "<C-s>", require("arrow.persist").toggle)


You can use require('arrow.statusline') to access the statusline helpers:

local statusline = require('arrow.statusline')
statusline.is_on_arrow_file() -- return nil if current file is not on arrow.  Return the index if it is.
statusline.text_for_statusline() -- return the text to be shown in the statusline (the index if is on arrow or "" if not)
statusline.text_for_statusline_with_icons() -- Same, but with an bow and arrow icon ;D



  • ArrowFileIndex
  • ArrowCurrentFile
  • ArrowAction
  • ArrowDeleteMode

Working with sessions plugins

If you have any error using arrow with a session plugin, like on mini.sessions, add this to the post load session hook:

require("arrow.git").refresh_git_branch() -- only if separated_by_branch is true

Obs: persistence.nvim works fine with arrow.

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Bookmark your files, separated by project, and quickly navigate through them.



Language:Lua 100.0%