sLaNGjI / wp-ie-enhancer-and-modernizer

Make IE standards-compliant browser. Fixes HTML/CSS issues, fixes transparent PNG under IE5/IE6, shiv (X)HTML5 elements and render to latest version.

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=== IE Enhancer and Modernizer ===
Contributors: sLaNGjI
Donate link: //
Tags: chrome-frame, edge, explorer, fix, html5, ie6, internet, internet-explorer, print, render, shiv, slangjis
Stable tag: 2014.0925.1858
Requires at least: 2.1
Tested up to: 4.5
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI: //

make ie6+ standards-compliant browser fix html/css transparent png, shiv html5 elements, render latest version, enhancer modernizer surfing experience

== Description ==

make ie6+ standards-compliant browser fix html/css transparent png, shiv html5 elements, render latest version, enhancer modernizer surfing experience better surf experience

sLa NGjI's Team do not provide support on forum and reviews! [Full Story Here](//

Recalc HTML/CSS issues on IE5/IE6/IE7/IE8, transparent PNG on IE5/IE6, shiv (X)HTML5 elements on IE6/IE7/IE8, applies basic (X)HTML5 styling for elements on IE6/IE7/IE8/IE9, Safari 4.x (and iPhone 3.x), Firefox 3.x, allowing (X)HTML5 elements to be styled and contain children while being printed on IE6/IE7/IE8, render latest IE Edge or Chrome Frame version, squish some IE bugs and make it compatible with modern browsers, prevent framekiller, clickjacking and XSS on IE8+ browser, disable Imagetoolbar on IE6, add support for Google Chrome Frame, enable X-Content-Type, X-Frame and X-XSS protection.

Nothing is written into space disk!
Nothing is written into wp_option database table!
No need to delete anything from hosting space when deactivate!
No need to delete anything from hosting space when deleted!
No need to delete anything from the database when deactivate!
No need to delete anything from the database when deleted!
No need to delete anything from the wp_option when deactivate!
No need to delete anything from the wp_option when deleted!
Not need other actions except installing or uninstall it!
* [My Others WordPress Plugins](//
 * [WP Overview (lite)](//
 * [WP Missed Schedule](//
 * [WP Admin Bar Removal](// Linked and reviewed at [](//
 * [WP Admin Bar Removal Node](//
 * [WP ToolBar Removal](// Linked and reviewed at [](//
 * [WP ToolBar Removal Node](//
 * [Noindex (login) WordPress Deindexing](// (refreshed)
 * [Noindex (total) WordPress Deindexing](// (refreshed)
 * [IE Enhancer and Modernizer](// Linked and reviewed at [](//
 * [Memory Load Consumption db size Usage Indicator](// (new)
 * [Header and Footer Log](// Only For Developers (and advanced users)
== Installation ==
= Installation Trick =
A neat trick is to put this single file (not its parent directory) in the wp-content/mu-plugins directory (create it if not exists) so you won't even have to enable it, it will be loaded by default.
= Plugin Installation =
1. Upload this plugin to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory.
1. Activate this plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
1. The configuration of this Plugin is Automattic!
= Plugin Uninstallation =
1. Disable it from Menu Plugins of Admin Dashboard Control Panel.
2. Delete it from Menu Plugins of Admin Dashboard Control Panel.
= Troubleshooting =
If all else fails and your site is broken remove it directly via ftp on your host space.
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
The HTML5 Shiv enables use of HTML5 sectioning elements in legacy Internet Explorer and provides basic HTML5 styling for Internet Explorer 6-9, Safari 4.x (and iPhone 3.x), and Firefox 3.x.

IE7.js is a JavaScript library to make Microsoft Internet Explorer behave like a standards-compliant browser. It fixes many HTML and CSS issues and makes transparent PNG work correctly under IE5 and IE6.

The term shiv originates from John Resig, who was thought to have used the word for its slang meaning, a sharp object used as a knife-like weapon, intended for Internet Explorer. Truth be known, John probably intended to use the word shim, which in computing means an application compatibility workaround. Rather than correct his mispelling, most developers familiar with Internet Explorer appreciated the visual imagery. And that, kids, is etymology.

PIE (Progressive Internet Explorer) makes Internet Explorer 6-9 capable of rendering several of the most useful CSS3 decoration features.

CSS Level 3 brings with it some incredibly powerful styling features. Rounded corners, soft drop shadows, gradient fills, and so on. These are the kinds of elements our designer friends love to use because they make for attractive sites, but are difficult and time-consuming to implement, involving complex sprite images, extra non-semantic markup, large JavaScript? libraries, and other lovely hacks.

CSS3 promises to do away with all that! But as we all know, due to Internet Explorer's lack of support for any of these features, we must be patient and refrain from using them, and make do with the same old tedious techniques for the foreseeable future.
== Screenshots ==
1. WP IE Enhancer and Modernizer Screenshot on WordPress
== Plugin Licensing ==
Work under [GPLv2](// or later License.
== External Script Licensing ==
[IE9.js - ie7-recalc.js - ie7-squish.js](// [MIT](// License

[html5shiv-printshiv.js](// Dual [MIT](//[GPLv2](// or later License

[PIE_IE678.js - PIE_IE9.js](// Dual [Apache License Version 2.0](//[GPLv2](// License
== Changelog ==
sLa NGjI's Team do not provide support on forum and reviews! [Full Story Here](//
`All releases, prior latest stable, are deprecated, 
and no longer supported on this project: is very 
suggested upgrade to the latest build, always!`
= Development Status =
Developmental Code in Becoming!
= 2014.0925.1858 =
* Major Update [STABLE] Implement New [html5shiv-printshiv](// Code v.3.7.2
 * Please update as soon as possible!
 * UPDATED HTML5 Shiv Print to v3.7.2
 * NEW Add Support for IE12
 * BUMP Version 2014 Build 0925 Revision 1858
= 2014.0521.0757 =
* Requested Update [STABLE] Support for IE Edge via HTTP Header
 * Please update as soon as possible!
 * NEW More support for [HTTP Header IE Edge Mode](//
 * BUMP Version 2014 Build 0521 Revision 0757
= 2014.0228.2129 =
* Requested Update [STABLE] Support for non IE and Mobile Browsers!
 * Please update as soon as possible!
 * NEW Add Support for non IE and Mobile Browsers
 * NEW Add Support for IE11
 * BUMP Version 2014 Build 0228 Revision 2129
= 2014.0226.0242 =
* Ultra Update [STABLE] The Future Now: Next Generation IE Enhancing!
 * Please update as soon as possible!
 * NEW Add Support for IE10
 * UPDATED HTML5 Shiv Print to v3.7.0
 * REMOVED Support for CSS3-PIE
 * BUMP Version 2014 Build 0226 Revision 0242
= 2013.0707.0521 =
* Gold Update [STABLE] Implement New [html5shiv-printshiv](// Code
 * Please update as soon as possible!
 * NEW [CSS3 PIE](// Decorations Rendering for IE Code v2.0(beta1)
 * NEW Implement [html5shiv-printshiv](// Code v3.6.2
 * NEW Add [ie7-recalc.js](// Code v2.1(beta4) Trunk
 * NEW Add Plugin Code Support to Admin Dasboard and Login Page
 * NEW Add Contact and Donate Row Meta Links
 * NEW Removed non-ASCII characters on readme.txt and plugin header
 * UPDATED [IE9.js](// Code v2.1(beta4) and PNG Sintax
 * UPDATED [ie7-squish.js](// Code v2.1(beta4)
 * UPDATED Imagetoolbar Sintax
 * UPDATED X-Content-Type-Options Sintax
 * UPDATED X-Frame-Options Sintax
 * UPDATED X-UA-Compatible Sintax
 * UPDATED X-XSS-Protection Sintax
 * UPDATED Preemptive KeyTag Plugin Authenticity Support
 * UPDATED Header and Footer Log
 * UPDATED Security Rules
 * BUMP Version 2013 Build 0707 Revision 0521
= Common Rules =
 * Work under [GPLv2](// or later License.
 * Implement [GNU style](// coding standard indentation.
 * Meet detailed [Plugin Guidelines](// quality requirements.
 * Compatible with: WordPress, bbPress, Buddypress.
 * Unified Coding to run with WordPress 2.1+ to 3.9+ or later.
 * Ready to Single and Network Multisite Environment.
 * Compatible with Shared, Dedicated, Cloud and VPS Hosting.
 * Run on Hosting with high and low resources.
 * Full Strict Security Rules Applied.
 * Handy Syntax Improvement.
 * Code Cleanup for faster loading.
 * Only one unique PHP file.
 * Supports PHP 4 and PHP 5.
= Plugin History =
* 2013.0629.0138 - Previous Version
* 2013.0202.1848 - Old 2013 Release
* 2012.1122.2016 - Old 2012 Release
* 2012.0322.2238 - Old 2012 Release
* 2012.0321.1731 - Old 2012 Release
* 2011.0921.0310 - Old 2011 Release
* 2011.0427.0454 - Old 2011 Release
* 2011.0427.0156 - Old 2011 Release
* 2011.0427.0133 - First Public Release
* 2010.0427.0133 - Development  Release
== Upgrade Notice ==
= 2014.0925.1858 =
* Requested Update [STABLE] Update HTML5 Shiv Print to v3.7.2 - Previous Release: Support for IE Edge mode via HTTP Header Browsers - Support for non IE and Mobile Browsers - Add Support for IE10 and IE11 - Removed Support for CSS3-PIE - Rules: Recalc HTML/CSS issues, transparent PNG, shiv (X)HTML5 elements, render latest version, squish IE bugs, XSS.

== Disclaimer ==

`sLa NGjI's Team do not provide support on forum!`

Dear user of plugins or themes:

`sLa NGjI’s Team has started adventure on forum since 2007: 7 years ago!`

Everything was very different from today: the plugins and themes developed by us were much less, and also the users who used it.

The traffic generated by users of the forum has increased exponentially, and in the same way also the requests for assistance have increased exponentially.

In the near future this increase will be even more pronounced, as a result of the great success of WordPress.

By contrast, both the posts and threads definable "requests" and those definable "trash" are very difficult to finding and follow: the time necessary for this purpose, now, longer a nightmare that one added value service, real.

With the passage of time, the problems of this type of assistance have been deemed ineffective by more and more developers excellent, while the tools available for this workload considered insufficient or inadequate to many of them.

Many of these developers have already abandoned this platform of assistance by providing other methods of customer care.

Our team has tried to respond to all for seven long years, and maintained the support forums for plugins and themes developed always clean, neat, and clear.

Failing to provide a service that gives us satisfaction, through the instruments of forum, as of today August 15, 2014 we abandon the active support with this type of structure, started since August 7, 2007 to try to give one type of service more personalized, and targeted, to requests of users.

1. For bug's please refer to [sLa NGjI's GitHub ](// bug's report support
1. For tickets please refer to [sLa NGjI's Contact](// tickets form support

* Please note that:
 * We are not interested in reviews on our plugins and themes.
 * Do not write anything like that!
 * We are not interested in stars on our plugins and themes.
 * Do not make any in that sections!

Generally we're not interested to be informed if you like our plugins and themes, or if you use them successfully through the instruments of the forums!

Remember to keep proper behavior on the forum, under the rules, respect all their moderators, and its users: this team do not supporting anymore forum, and the possibility that some of us then reply or write on forum, will be very low!

... to be continued ? ...


Make IE standards-compliant browser. Fixes HTML/CSS issues, fixes transparent PNG under IE5/IE6, shiv (X)HTML5 elements and render to latest version.

License:GNU General Public License v2.0


Language:PHP 89.7%Language:ApacheConf 6.1%Language:HTML 4.1%