s3pweb / nestjs-common

A collection of common utilities for NestJs

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S3PWeb - NestJS common libs

A repo containing all the common utilities for our NestJS projects:

  • A NestJS guard to authorise only the given IP(s)
  • A logging service implementing the LoggerService interface and using the @s3pweb/s3pweb-logger
  • A MetricsInterface to be used in the logging service
  • Multiple middlewares


npm i @s3pweb/nestjs-common


IP Whitelist

On a controller to protect all routes:

@IpWhitelist('', '::1')
export class CatsController {}

Directly on a route (with the UseGuards on the controller):

async createCat() {}

Logging Service

To use the LoggingModule, add it to the imports of the AppModule with its configuration in a factory:

  imports: [
    ConfigModule.forRoot({ isGlobal: true }),
      useFactory: async (config: ConfigService) => {
        return config.get('logger');
      inject: [ConfigService],
  controllers: [
export class AppModule implements NestModule {}

Then it can be used in a service:

export class Service {
  private readonly log: any;

    logger: LoggingService,
  ) {
    this.log = logger.getLogger(Service.name);

To be able ton inject it correctly, you need a metrics module exporting a service implementing the MetricsInterface:

  providers: [
      provide: METRICS_SERVICE,
      useClass: PromService,
  controllers: [PromController],
  exports: [
      provide: METRICS_SERVICE,
      useClass: PromService,
export class PromModule {
  // -- Empty
export class PromService implements MetricsInterface {}

To use the PromService in a Controller or a Service, you can inject it in a constructor with:

@Inject(METRICS_SERVICE) private readonly metricsService: PromService,

Metrics Interface

This interface enables you to implements the required functions for the LoggingService.


Cache Control

This middleware will add a new header to disable request caching (Cache-Control).

To set the middleware everywhere (in the bootstrap function of main.ts):

async function bootstrap() {
  const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule);

  // Set Cache-Control header everywhere
  // ...

Correlation ID

This middleware will add a new header in each request and response X-Correlation-Id, this is an uuid V1 string (different for each request/response). It was lifted from https://github.com/eropple/nestjs-correlation-id/

To set the middleware everywhere (in the bootstrap function of main.ts):

async function bootstrap() {
  const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule);

  // Tracking ID
  // ...

You can then get the uuid in a controller:

export class CatsController {
  async createCat(
    @Headers(correlationId) uuid: string,
  ) {
    // console.log(uuid)

HTTP Exceptions Logger

This middleware will log as a warning all failed HTTP request (with their uuid) to provide more details when an error occurs. Example: NotFoundException: Cannot GET /cats/v2/api/

To set the middleware everywhere (in the bootstrap function of main.ts):

async function bootstrap() {
  const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule);

  // Use our logger for all Nest logs
  const logger = await app.resolve(LoggingService);
  // Add custom filter to log all http errors
  const { httpAdapter } = app.get(HttpAdapterHost);
  app.useGlobalFilters(new ExceptionsLoggerFilter(logger, httpAdapter));


A collection of common utilities for NestJs

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 90.9%Language:JavaScript 7.8%Language:Shell 1.3%