s0undt3ch / salty-vagrant

Use Salt as a Vagrant provisioner.

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Salty Vagrant

Provision Vagrant boxes using Saltstack.

Discussion and questions happen in #salt on Freenode IRC. ping akoumjian.


Just like Chef or Puppet, Salt can be used as a provisioning tool. Salty Vagrant lets you use your salt state tree and a your minion config file to automatically build your dev environment the same way you use salt to deploy for other environments.

There are two different ways to use Salty Vagrant. The simplest way uses the salt minion in a masterless configuration. With this option you distribute your state tree along with your Vagrantfile and a minion config. The minion will bootstrap itself and apply all necessary states.

The second method lets you specify a remote salt master, which assures that the vagrant minion will always be able to fetch your most up to date state tree. If you use a salt master, you will either need to manually accept new vagrant minions on the master, or distribute preseeded keys along with your vagrant files.

Masterless (Quick Start)

  1. Install Vagrant
  2. Install Salty Vagrant (vagrant gem install vagrant-salt)
  3. Get the Ubuntu 12.04 base box: vagrant box add precise64 http://files.vagrantup.com/precise64.box
  4. Create/Update your Vagrantfile (Detailed in Configuration)1
  5. Place your minion config in salt/minion2
  6. Run vagrant up and you should be good to go.

Using Remote Salt Master

If you are already using Salt for deployment, you can use your existing master to provision your vagrant boxes as well. You will need to do one of the following:

  1. Manually accept the vagrant's minion key after it boots.3
  2. Preseed the Vagrant box with minion keys pre-generated on the master

Preseeding Vagrant Minion Keys

On the master, create the keypair and add the public key to the accepted minions folder:

root@saltmaster# salt-key --gen-keys=[minion_id]
root@saltmaster# cp [minion_id].pub /etc/salt/pki/minions/[minion_id]

Replace [minion_id] with the id you would like to assign the minion.

Next you want to bundle the key pair along with your Vagrantfile, the salt_provisioner.rb, and your minion config. The directory should look something like this:


You will need to determine your own secure method of transferring this package. Leaking the minion's private key poses a security risk to your salt network.

The are two required settings for your minion.conf file:

master: [master_fqdn]
id: [minion_id]

Make sure you use the same [minion_id] that you used on the master or it will not match with the key.

Create/Update your Vagrantfile per the example provided in the Configuration section.

Finally, you should be able to run vagrant up and the salt should put your vagrant minion in state.highstate.


Your Vagrantfile should look roughly like this:

Vagrant::Config.run do |config|
  ## Chose your base box
  config.vm.box = "precise64"

  ## For masterless, mount your salt file root
  config.vm.share_folder "salt_file_root", "/srv", "/path/to/salt_file_root"

  ## Use all the defaults:
  config.vm.provision :salt do |salt|
    salt.run_highstate = true

    ## Optional Settings:
    # salt.minion_config = "salt/minion.conf"
    # salt.temp_config_dir = "/existing/folder/on/basebox/"
    # salt.salt_install_type = "git"
    # salt.salt_install_args = "develop"

    ## If you have a remote master setup, you can add
    ## your preseeded minion key
    # salt.minion_key = "salt/key/minion.pem"
    # salt.minion_pub = "salt/key/minion.pub"

Inside of your Vagrantfile, there are a few parameters you can assign depending on whether you are running masterless or with a remote master.

minion_config : "salt/minion.conf"

Path to your minion configuration file.

temp_config_dir : "/tmp"

Path on the guest box that the minion files will be copied to before placing in the salt directories. (Not all distros support "/tmp")

minion_key : false

String path to your minion key. Only useful with master=true

minion_pub : false

String path to your minion public key. Only useful with master=true

salt_install_type : "stable" : "daily" : "git"

Whether to install from a distribution's stable package manager, a daily ppa, or git treeish.

salt_install_args : ""

When performing a git install, you can specify a branch, tag, or any treeish.

Bootstrapping Salt

Before Salt can be used for provisioning on the target virtual box, the binaries need to be installed. Since Vagrant and Salt support many different distributions and versions of operating systems, the Salt installation process is handled by the shell script scripts/bootstrap-salt-minion.sh. This script runs through a series of checks to determine operating system type and version to then install the Salt binaries using the appropriate methods.

Adding support for other operating systems

In order to install salt for a distribution you need to define:

To Install Dependencies, which is required, one of:
  1. install<distro>_<distro_version>_<install_type>_deps
  2. install<distro>_<distro_version>_deps
  3. install<distro>_<install_type>_deps
  4. install<distro>_deps
To install salt, which, of course, is required, one of:
  1. install<distro>_<distro_version>_<install_type>
  2. install<distro>_<install_type>

Optionally, define a minion configuration function, which will be called if the -c|config-dir option is passed. One of: 1. config<distro>_<distro_version>_<install_type>_minion 2. config<distro>_<distro_version>_minion 3. config<distro>_<install_type>_minion 4. config<distro>_minion 5. config_minion [THIS ONE IS ALREADY DEFINED AS THE DEFAULT]

Also optionally, define a post install function, one of:
  1. install<distro>_<distro_versions>_<install_type>_post
  2. install<distro>_<distro_versions>_post
  3. install<distro>_<install_type>_post
  4. install<distro>_post

Below is an example for Ubuntu Oneiric:

install_ubuntu_1110_deps() {

apt-get update apt-get -y install python-software-properties add-apt-repository -y 'deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ oneiric universe' add-apt-repository -y ppa:saltstack/salt


install_ubuntu_1110_post() {

add-apt-repository -y --remove 'deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ oneiric universe'


install_ubuntu_stable() {

apt-get -y install salt-minion


Since there is no install_ubuntu_1110_stable() it defaults to the unspecified version script.

The bootstrapping script must be plain POSIX sh only, not bash or another shell script. By design the targeting for each operating system and version is very specific. Assumptions of supported versions or variants should not be made, to avoid failed or broken installations.

Supported Operating Systems

  • Ubuntu 10.x/11.x/12.x
  • Debian 6.x
  • CentOS 6.3
  • Fedora
  • Arch
  • FreeBSD 9.0

Installation Notes

Ubuntu & Debian

Users have reported that vagrant plugins do not work with the debian packaged vagrant (such as Ubuntu repository). Installing vagrant with gem should work.

  1. sudo apt-get remove vagrant
  2. sudo gem install vagrant
  3. vagrant gem install vagrant-salt

That should get you up and running.

Installing from source

  1. wget https://github.com/saltstack/salty-vagrant/tarball/master -O salty-vagrant.tar.gz
  2. tar zxf salty-vagrant.tar.gz
  3. cd saltstack-salty-vagrant-[hash]
  4. git submodule init
  5. git submodule update
  6. gem build vagrant-salt.gemspec
  7. vagrant gem install vagrant-salt-[version].gem

  1. Don't forget to create a shared folder for your salt file root

  2. Make sure your minion config sets file_client: local for masterless

  3. This is not recommended. If your developers need to destroy and rebuild their VM, you will have to repeat the process.


Use Salt as a Vagrant provisioner.


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