s0undt3ch / agent-python-pytest

Framework integration with PyTest

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Important: this is BETA2 version. Please post issue in case if any found

Pytest plugin for reporting test results of Pytest to the 'Reportal Portal'.



To install pytest plugin execute next command in a terminal:

pip install pytest-reportportal


Prepare the config file pytest.ini in root directory of tests or specify any one using pytest command line option:

py.test -c config.cfg

The pytest.ini file should have next mandatory fields:

  • rp_uuid - value could be found in the User Profile section
  • rp_project - name of project in Report Potal
  • rp_endpoint - address of Report Portal Server

Example of pytest.ini:

rp_uuid = fb586627-32be-47dd-93c1-678873458a5f
rp_endpoint =
rp_project = user_personal
rp_launch = AnyLaunchName
rp_launch_tags = 'PyTest' 'Smoke'
rp_launch_description = 'Smoke test'
rp_ignore_errors = True
rp_ignore_tags = 'xfail' 'usefixture'

The following parameters are optional:

  • rp_launch = AnyLaunchName - launch name (could be overridden by pytest --rp-launch option, default value is 'Pytest Launch')
  • rp_launch_tags = 'PyTest' 'Smoke' - list of tags
  • rp_launch_description = 'Smoke test' - launch description (could be overridden by pytest --rp-launch-description option, default value is '')
  • rp_log_batch_size = 20 - size of batch log request
  • rp_ignore_errors = True - Ignore Report Portal errors (exit otherwise)
  • rp_ignore_tags = 'xfail' 'usefixture' - Ignore specified pytest markers


For logging of the test item flow to Report Portal, please, use the python logging handler provided by plugin like bellow: in conftest.py:

def rp_logger(request):
    import logging
    # Import Report Portal logger and handler to the test module.
    from pytest_reportportal import RPLogger, RPLogHandler
    # Setting up a logging.
    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    # Create handler for Report Portal.
    rp_handler = RPLogHandler(request.node.config.py_test_service)
    # Set INFO level for Report Portal handler.
    # Add handler to the logger.
    return logger

in tests:

# In this case only INFO messages will be sent to the Report Portal.
def test_one(rp_logger):
    rp_logger.info("Case1. Step1")
    x = "this"
    rp_logger.info("x is: %s", x)
    assert 'h' in x

    # Message with an attachment.
    import subprocess
    free_memory = subprocess.check_output("free -h".split())
        "Case1. Memory consumption",
            "name": "free_memory.txt",
            "data": free_memory,
            "mime": "application/octet-stream",

    # This debug message will not be sent to the Report Portal.
    rp_logger.debug("Case1. Debug message")

Plugin can report doc-strings of tests as descriptions:

def test_one():
    Description of the test case which will be sent to Report Portal

Pytest markers will be attached as tags to Report Portal items. In the following example tags 'linux' and 'win32' will be used:

import pytest

def test_one():

If you don't want to attach specific markers, list them in rp_ignore_tags parameter


To run test with Report Portal you can specify name of launch:

py.test ./tests --rp-launch AnyLaunchName

Troubleshooting ~~~~~~~~~

In case you have connectivity issues (or similar problems) with Report Portal, it's possible to ignore exceptions raised by pytest_reportportal plugin. For this, please, add following option to pytest.ini configuration file.

rp_ignore_errors = True

With option above all exceptions raised by Report Portal will be printed out to stderr without causing test failures.

If you would like to temporary disable integrations with Report Portal just deactivate pytest_reportportal plugin with command like:

py.test -p no:pytest_reportportal ./tests

Licensed under the GPLv3 license (see the LICENSE file).


Framework integration with PyTest

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%