s0m30ne / pymsf

using python to hack

Home Page:http://www.s0m30ne.com

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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               made by s0m30ne

Usage: python msf_python.py [options] 

    -h, --help            show this help message and exit  
    -n, --normal          normal mode  
    -s SEARCH, --search=SEARCH  
                          chose a search engine, for example: censys, zoomeye or shodan  
    -f FILE_NAME, --file=FILE_NAME  
                          the poc file you want to run  
    -t THREAD_NUM, --threads=THREAD_NUM  
                          set the thread num

##准备工作: (1)安装Python的msgpack类库,MSF官方文档中的数据序列化标准就是参照msgpack。

root@kali:~# apt-get install python-setuptools
root@kali:~# easy_install msgpack-python


create database msf;
create user msf with password 'msf123';
grant all privileges on database msf to msf;

(3)在PostgreSQL 执行上述文件:

root@kali:~# /etc/init.d/postgresql start
root@kali:~# sudo -u postgres /usr/bin/psql < createdb_sql.txt


db_connect msf:msf123@
load msgrpc User=msf Pass='abc123'


root@kali:~# msfconsole -r setup.rc
[*] Processing setup.rc for ERB directives.
resource (setup.rc)> db_connect msf:msf123@
[*] Rebuilding the module cache in the background...
resource (setup.rc)> load msgrpc User=msf Pass='abc123'
[*] MSGRPC Service:
[*] MSGRPC Username: msf
[*] MSGRPC Password: abc123
[*] Successfully loaded plugin: msgrpc


root@kali:~# git clone git://github.com/SpiderLabs/msfrpc.git msfrpc
root@kali:~# cd msfrpc/python-msfrpc
root@kali:~# python setup.py install


后面每次使用时都需要先使用msfconsole -r setup.rc启动msf

##使用方法 使用python msf_python.py -n或者直接使用python msf_python.py进入普通模式,使用python msf_python.py -s [censys,shodan,zoomeye]选择相应的搜索引擎,默认选择的是censys


通过python msf_python.py -c COMMAND命令用户可以使用自定义的命令,比如执行python、ruby等poc文件或者ping等系统命令,但是注意命令中通过%s留出IP接口,比如你可以通过下面的形式执行特定的poc文件:python msf_python.py -c "python poc.py %s"




using python to hack



Language:Python 100.0%