s-diaco / tse-client

A client for fetching stock data from the Tehran Stock Exchange (TSETMC). Works in Browser, Node and as CLI.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

A client for fetching stock data from the Tehran Stock Exchange (TSETMC).
Works in Browser, Node, and as CLI.
The 0.x and 1.x versions were a direct port of the official Windows app.



npm i tse-client -g


tse ذوب
tse ذوب فولاد خساپا شپنا
tse "شاخص کل6"
tse "شاخص کل فرابورس6" "شاخص کل (هم وزن)6"

Adjust prices:

tse آپ -j 1 # افزایش سرمایه + سود نقدی
tse آپ -j 2 # افزایش سرمایه

Select columns:

tse فملی -c "2,3,4,6"
tse فملی -c "2:OPEN 3:HIGH 4:LOW 6:CLOSE"
tse فملی -c "0 6 8 7"
tse فملی -c "0:date 6:closing 8:trades 7:volume"
tse ls -A
tse ls -D
# default: "0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9"

History depth:

tse ذوب -b 3m       # سه ماه گذشته
tse ذوب -b 40d      # چهل روز گذشته
tse ذوب -b 2y       # دو سال گذشته
tse ذوب -b 13920101 # تاریخ شمسی
tse ذوب -b 20160101 # تاریخ میلادی
tse ذوب -b 13800101 # کمترین تاریخ ممکن (پیش فرض)
tse ذوب -b 20030123 # کمترین تاریخ ممکن به میلادی

File generation:

tse کگل -o /mydir # output directory
tse کگل -n 3      # file name
tse کگل -x txt    # file extension
tse کگل -e ascii  # file encoding
tse کگل -l @      # file delimiter char
tse کگل -H        # file without headers

Select symbols from file:

tse ls -F "i=34" > car.txt
tse ls -F "i=27" > iron.txt
tse -i car.txt -o ./car-group
tse -i iron.txt -o ./iron-group

Select symbols by filter:

# tse -f "t=نوع نماد  i=کد گروه صنعت  m=بازار  b=کد تابلو  y=کد بازار  g=کد گروه نماد"
# tse -f "P=الگوی نماد  D=الگوی تاریخ میلادی آخرین روز معامله نماد  R حذف نمادهای تغییرنام داده شده"

tse -f "i=27"                 # گروه صنعت: فلزات اساسی
tse -f "i=27 t=300"           # گروه صنعت: فلزات اساسی & نوع نماد: سهم بورس
tse -f "m=4 i=27,53,38 t=404" # بازار: پایه & گروه صنعت: فلزات و سیمان و قند & نوع نماد: حق تقدم
tse -f "t=300 i=43 b=1"       # بازار: بورس & گروه صنعت: دارویی & کد تابلو: تابلوی اصلی

tse ls -T                  # نمایش کد انواع نماد
tse ls -I                  # نمایش کد گروههای صنعت
tse ls -B                  # نمایش کد تابلوها
tse ls -T -I -M -B -Y -G   # نمایش همه

tse ls -F "i=27"           # فقط نمایش دادن گروه فلزات

tse ls -F "i=27 t=300"     # گروه فلزات بازار بورس
tse ls -F "i=27 t=303"     # گروه فلزات بازار فرابورس
tse ls -F "i=27 t=309"     # گروه فلزات بازار پایه

tse ls -F "i=34 t=300"     # گروه خودرو بازار بورس
tse ls -F "i=34 t=303"     # گروه خودرو بازار فرابورس
tse ls -F "i=34 t=309"     # گروه خودرو بازار پایه

tse ls -F "t=68"           # شاخص های بازار بورس
tse ls -F "t=69"           # شاخص های بازار فرابورس

tse ls -F "i=43 b=3 t=300" # گروه دارویی تابلوی فرعی بازار بورس
tse ls -F "i=43 b=1 t=303" # گروه دارویی تابلوی اصلی بازار فرابورس
tse ls -F "i=44 b=5 t=300" # گروه شیمیایی بازار دوم بورس

tse ls -F "P=\d$"          # نماد هایی که حرف آخرشان یک عدد (یک رقمی) است
tse ls -F "t=309 P=\d$"    # نمادهای بازار پایه که حرف آخرشان یک عدد (یک رقمی) است

tse ls -F "D=^2022"        # نمادهایی که روز آخری که معامله شده اند در سال 2022 بوده است
tse ls -F "i=72 D=^2022"   # نمادهای گروه رایانه که روز آخری که معامله شده اند در سال 2022 بوده است

tse ls -F "i=57 t=303"     # گروه بانکی بازار فرابورس
tse ls -F "i=57 t=303 R"   # گروه بانکی بازار فرابورس منهای نمادهای تغییرنام داده شده

Disable caching:

tse ذوب -k

Similar renamed symbols are merged by default:

tse ذوب       # merged data of ذوب and ذوب-ق2
tse ذوب -u    # only the data of ذوب
tse ذوب-ق2 -u # only the data of ذوب-ق2 

Save settings:

tse ذوب فولاد -o ./mytse --save
tse -x txt
tse -n 3 --save
tse -o ./myother --save

View saved settings and more:

tse ls -S
tse ls -D
tse ls -F "i=34"
tse ls -F "i=27 t=300"
tse ls -M -T -I
tse ls -T -O 1  # order by count (descending)
tse ls -T -O 1_ # order by count (ascending)
tse ls -h

Intraday crawler (Experimental):

tse itd ذوب -o ./mydata             # basic (crawl last day)
tse itd ذوب                         # update but do not generate output
tse itd ذوب -b 6d                   # crawl last 6 days
tse itd ذوب -b 30d -m 20d           # crawl 10 days (from 30 days ago to 20 days ago)
tse itd ذوب -b 13991201 -m 13991206 # crawl 6 days
tse itd ذوب -b 20210219 -m 20210224 # crawl 6 days (Western dates)
tse itd ذوب -k -o .                 # do not cache the data
tse itd ذوب -z -o .                 # output gzip files
tse itd ذوب -y -o .                 # generate results with Shamsi dates
tse itd ذوب -r                      # re-download already cached days that have no `trade` data

tse itd ذوب -o . -e ascii # file encoding
tse itd ذوب -o . -n 2     # directory name
tse itd ذوب -o . -H       # file without headers

tse itd ذوب --retry 0              # only request once without any retrying
tse itd ذوب --retry-delay 5000     # wait 5 seconds between each retry
tse itd ذوب --chunk-delay 2000     # wait 2 seconds before requesting another day
tse itd ذوب --chunk-max-wait 20000 # force end a request if not finished in 20 seconds (only in Node v15+)
tse itd ذوب --servers "4 8"        # only use "cdn4.tsetmc.com" and "cdn8.tsetmc.com" servers
tse itd ذوب --servers "7"          # only use "cdn7.tsetmc.com" server



npm i tse-client


const tse = require('tse-client');

(async () => {
  // basic
  let res = await tse.getPrices(['ذوب', 'فولاد']);
  if (!res.error) console.log(res.data);
  // adjusted data
  res = await tse.getPrices(['خساپا'], {adjustPrices: 1});
  // select columns (default names)
  res = await tse.getPrices(['شپنا'], {columns: [0,3,4]});
  // select columns (custom names)
  res = await tse.getPrices(['شپنا'], {columns: [[0,'DATE'],[3,'MAX'],[4,'MIN']]});
  // view column info
  // list of instruments
  const instruments = await tse.getInstruments();
    instruments.filter(i => i.YVal === '300' && i.CSecVal === '27 ') // گروه فلزات بازار بورس
  // intraday crawler
  res = await tse.getIntraday(['ذوب', 'فولاد']), {
    startDate: '20201122',
    endDate: '20201122',
    gzip: false


Using standalone bundle:

(bundled with the 4 dependencies)

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/tse-client/dist/tse.bundle.min.js"></script>
  tse.getPrices(['فولاد']).then(res => console.log(res.data[0]));

Using the module itself:

(dependencies must be loaded before)

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/big.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/localforage"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/jalaali-js/dist/jalaali.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/pako/dist/pako.min.js"></script>

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/tse-client/dist/tse.min.js"></script>
  tse.getPrices(['فولاد']).then(res => console.log(res.data[0]));

Using behind a simple PHP proxy:

// proxy.php
$t  = isset($_GET['t'])  ? $_GET['t']  : '';
$a  = isset($_GET['a'])  ? $_GET['a']  : '';
$a2 = isset($_GET['a2']) ? $_GET['a2'] : '';

echo file_get_contents("http://service.tsetmc.com/tsev2/data/TseClient2.aspx?t=$t&a=$a&a2=$a2");
tse.API_URL = 'http://path/to/proxy.php';
tse.getPrices(['فولاد']).then(res => console.log(res.data[0]));

Some Info:

file desc
dist/tse.js Unminified code.
dist/tse.min.js Minified code.
dist/tse.bundle.min.js Minified dependencies + minified code.
dependency desc
big.js Required. For price adjustment calculations.
localforage Required. For storing in indexedDB.
jalaali-js Optional. Only needed for ShamsiDate column. (Recommanded to not exclude this, though you can)
pako Semi-Required. Only used by getIntraday().



The API URL to use for HTTP requests.
Only string and valid URL.
Default: http://service.tsetmc.com/tsev2/data/TseClient2.aspx


Update data only if these many days have passed since the last update.
Only integers.
Default: 1


Amount of instruments per request.
Only integers.
Min: 1
Max: 59
Default: 50


Amount of delay (in ms) to wait before requesting another chunk of instruments.
Default: 300


Amount of retry attempts before giving up.
Only integers.
Default: 3


Amount of delay (in ms) to wait before making another retry.
Only integers.
Default: 1000


Only in Node.
Location of the cache directory.
If the location is changed, existing content is not moved to the new location.
Default:   User's home directoy:require('os').homedir()

tse.getInstruments(struct?: boolean, arr?: boolean, structKey?: string)

Update (if needed) and return list of instruments.

  • struct: Determine the return type for each instrument. Default true
    • true: return an Instrument object for each instrument.
    • false: return a CSV string for each instrument.
  • arr: Determine the return type. Default: true
    • true: return an array.
    • false return an Instruments object.
  • structKey: Which key of Instrument to use when struct is set to true. Default: 'InsCode'

return: Array<Instrument | string> | Instruments

Visit the official documentation for description of each Instrument field.

interface Instrument {
//                            👇 C# equivalent
  InsCode:         string;  // long (int64)
  InstrumentID:    string;  // string
  LatinSymbol:     string;  // string
  LatinName:       string;  // string
  CompanyCode:     string;  // string
  Symbol:          string;  // string
  Name:            string;  // string
  CIsin:           string;  // string
  DEven:           string;  // int (int32)
  Flow:            string;  // byte
  LSoc30:          string;  // string
  CGdSVal:         string;  // string
  CGrValCot:       string;  // string
  YMarNSC:         string;  // string
  CComVal:         string;  // string
  CSecVal:         string;  // string
  CSoSecVal:       string;  // string
  YVal:            string;  // string
  SymbolOriginal?: string;

interface Instruments {
  [Instrument.InsCode]: Instrument | string;

tse.getPrices(symbols: string[], settings?: PriceSettings)

Update (if needed) and return prices of instruments.

  • symbols: An array of Farsi instrument symbols.
  • settings: A settings object.
    • columns: Select which ClosingPrice props to return and specify optional string for the prop.
      For example: [ [0,'DATE'], [6,'CLOSE'], [7,'VOL'] ]
      Default: [0,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
      See columnList for the list of all column indexes and their names.
    • adjustPrices: The type of adjustment applied to returned prices.
      0: None             (بدون تعدیل)
      1: Capital Increase + Dividends   (افزایش سرمایه + سود نقدی)
      2: Capital Increase        (افزایش سرمایه)
    • startDate: Only return prices after this date. Min: '20010321'. Default: '20010321'
    • daysWithoutTrade: Whether to include days that have 0 trades. Default: false
    • mergeSimilarSymbols: Whether to merge the data of similar renamed symbols. Default: true
    • cache: Whether to cache the downloaded data. Default: true
    • csv: Generate results as CSV strings. Default: false
    • csvHeaders: Include header row when generating CSV results. Default: true
    • csvDelimiter: A cell delimiter character to use when generating CSV results. Default: ','
    • onprogress: A callback function which gets called with a number indicating the progress. Default: undefined
    • progressTotal: A number to use as the completion point of progress. Default: 100

return: Result

interface Result {
  data:   Array<ClosingPrice>;
  error?: CustomError;

interface ClosingPrice {
//                          👇 C# equivalent of array item
  date:        number[];  // int     (int32)
  dateshamsi:  number[];  // int     (int32)
  open:        number[];  // decimal (float128)
  high:        number[];  // decimal (float128)
  low:         number[];  // decimal (float128)
  last:        number[];  // decimal (float128)
  close:       number[];  // decimal (float128)
  vol:         number[];  // decimal (float128)
  count:       number[];  // decimal (float128)
  value:       number[];  // decimal (float128)
  yesterday:   number[];  // decimal (float128)
  symbol:      string[];  // string
  name:        string[];  // string
  namelatin:   string[];  // string
  companycode: string[];  // string

interface PriceSettings {               
  columns?:                     Array<[number, string?]>;
  adjustPrices?:                AdjustOption;
  daysWithoutTrade?:            boolean;
  startDate?:                   string;
  mergeSimilarSymbols?:         boolean;
  csv?:                         boolean;
  csvHeaders?:                  boolean;
  csvDelimiter?:                string;
  cache?:                       boolean;
  onprogress?(current: number): void;
  progressTotal?:               number;

interface CustomError {
  code:     ErrorType;
  title:    string;
  detail?:  string | Error;
  symbols?: string[];
  fails?:   string[];
  succs?:   string[];

enum AdjustOption {
  None = 0,
  CapitalIncreasePlusDividends = 1,
  CapitalIncrease = 2

enum ErrorType {
  FailedRequest = 1,
  IncorrectSymbol = 2,
  IncompletePriceUpdate = 3


const defaultSettings = {
  columns:             [0,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9],
  adjustPrices:        0,
  daysWithoutTrade:    false,
  startDate:           '20010321',
  mergeSimilarSymbols: true,
  csv:                 false,
  csvHeaders:          true,
  csvDelimiter:        ',',
  cache:               true,
  onprogress:          undefined,
  progressTotal:       100

const result = await tse.getPrices(symbols=['sym1', 'sym2', ...], defaultSettings);

result.data /*
    // sym1
      open:  [0, 0, ...],
      high:  [0, 0, ...],
      low:   [0, 0, ...],
      last:  [0, 0, ...],
      close: [0, 0, ...],
      vol:   [0, 0, ...],
      count: [0, 0, ...],
      value: [0, 0, ...]

    // sym2
      open: [],
      high: [],


result.error // possible values:


{ code: 1, title: 'Failed request...',       detail: '' | Error }

{ code: 2, title: 'Incorrect Symbol',        symbols: [] }

{ code: 3, title: 'Incomplete Price Update', fails: [], succs: [] }


A list of all possible columns.

index name fname
0 date تاریخ میلادی
1 dateshamsi تاریخ شمسی
2 open اولین قیمت
3 high بیشترین قیمت
4 low کمترین قیمت
5 last آخرین قیمت
6 close قیمت پایانی
7 vol حجم معاملات
8 count تعداد معاملات
9 value ارزش معاملات
10 yesterday قیمت پایانی دیروز
11 symbol نماد
12 name نام
13 namelatin نام لاتین
14 companycode کد شرکت


The URL from which the data is crawled.
Must be a function that returns a valid URL string.

(server='', inscode='', deven='') => `http://${server ? 'cdn'+server+'.' : ''}tsetmc.com/Loader.aspx?ParTree=15131P&i=${inscode}&d=${deven}`;


Amount of delay (in ms) to wait before requesting another chunk of dates.
Default: 100


Max time (in ms) to wait for a request to finish before force ending it.
In Node, it needs Node v15+ or it has no effect.
Only integers.
Default: 60000


Amount of retry attempts before giving up.
Only integers.
Default: 3


Amount of delay (in ms) to wait before making another retry.
Only integers.
Default: 1000


Array of positive integers to use as CDN servers in the update process.
Note that 0 will result to tsetmc.com server.
Only an array of only positive integers.
Default: [0,7,8,9]

tse.getIntradayInstruments(struct?: boolean, arr?: boolean, structKey?: string)

Returns the list of instruments crawled by getIntraday().
The information of each instrument is from the latest crawled day.

  • struct: Determine the return type for each instrument. Default true
    • true: return an InstrumentITD object for each instrument.
    • false: return a CSV string for each instrument.
  • arr: Determine the return type. Default: true
    • true: return an array.
    • false return an InstrumentsITD object.
  • structKey: Which key of InstrumentITD to use when struct is set to true. Default: 'InsCode'

return: Array<InstrumentITD | string> | InstrumentsITD

interface InstrumentITD {
  InsCode:        string;
  LVal30:         string;
  LVal18AFC:      string;
  FlowTitle:      string;
  CGrValCotTitle: string;
  Flow:           string;
  CGrValCot:      string;
  CIsin:          string;
  InstrumentID:   string;
  ZTitad:         string;
  BaseVol:        string;

interface InstrumentsITD {
  [InstrumentITD.InsCode]: InstrumentITD | string;

tse.getIntraday(symbols: string[], settings?: IntradaySettings)

Crawl intraday data from the instrument's history page of the tsetmc.com website. (Experimental)

  • symbols: An array of Farsi instrument symbols.
  • settings: A settings object.
    • startDate: Only return data after this date. Min: '20010321'. Default: '20010321'
    • endDate: Only return data before this date. Default: ''
    • cache: Whether to cache the downloaded data. Default: true
    • gzip: Return data as Gzip Buffer in Node or Uint8Array in Browser. Default: true
    • reUpdateNoTrades: Re-download any cached item that has no trade data. Default: false
    • updateOnly: Perform update but don't return any data. Default: false
    • onprogress: A callback function which gets called with a number indicating the progress. Default: undefined
    • progressTotal: A number to use as the completion point of progress. Default: 100
    • chunkDelay: Per call option of INTRADAY_UPDATE_CHUNK_DELAY. Default: value of constant
    • chunkMaxWait: Per call option of INTRADAY_UPDATE_CHUNK_MAX_WAIT. Default: value of constant
    • retryCount: Per call option of INTRADAY_UPDATE_RETRY_COUNT. Default: value of constant
    • retryDelay: Per call option of INTRADAY_UPDATE_RETRY_DELAY. Default: value of constant
    • servers: Per call option of INTRADAY_UPDATE_SERVERS. Default: value of constant

return: Result

interface Result {
  data:   Array< [number[], Array<Buffer | Uint8Array | string>] >;
  error?: CustomError;

interface IntradaySettings {               
  startDate?:                   string;
  endDate?:                     string;
  cache?:                       boolean;
  gzip?:                        boolean;
  onprogress?(current: number): void;
  progressTotal?:               number;
  chunkDelay?:                  number;
  chunkMaxWait?:                number;
  retryCount?:                  number;
  retryDelay?:                  number;
  servers?:                     number[];

interface CustomError {
  code:     ErrorType;
  title:    string;
  detail?:  string | Error;
  symbols?: string[];
  fails?:   string[];
  succs?:   string[];

enum ErrorType {
  FailedRequest = 1,
  IncorrectSymbol = 2,
  IncompletePriceUpdate = 3,
  IncompleteIntradayUpdate = 4


A list of all intraday data groups and their column names.


time last close open high low count volume value discarded
زمان آخرین معامله قیمت پایانی اولین بیشترین کمترین تعداد معاملات حجم معاملات ارزش معاملات باطل شده


time row askcount askvol askprice bidprice bidvol bidcount
زمان ردیف تعداد تقاضا حجم تقاضا قیمت تقاضا قیمت عرضه حجم عرضه تعداد عرضه


time count volume price discarded
زمان تعداد حجم قیمت باطل شده

column desc desc Fa
pbvol Person Buy Volume حجم خرید حقیقی
pbcount Person Buy Count تعداد خرید حقیقی
pbval Person Buy Value ارزش خرید حقیقی
pbprice Person Buy Price قیمت خرید حقیقی
pbvolpot Person Buy Volume Percentage of Total درصد حجم خرید حقیقی از کل حجم
psvol Person Sell Volume حجم فروش حقیقی
pscount Person Sell Count تعداد فروش حقیقی
psval Person Sell Value ارزش فروش حقیقی
psprice Person Sell Price قیمت فروش حقیقی
psvolpot Person Sell Volume Percentage of Total درصد حجم فروش حقیقی از کل حجم
lbvol Legal Buy Volume حجم خرید حقوقی
lbcount Legal Buy Count تعداد خرید حقوقی
lbval Legal Buy Value ارزش خرید حقوقی
lbprice Legal Buy Price قیمت خرید حقوقی
lbvolpot Legal Buy Volume Percentage of Total درصد حجم خرید حقوقی از کل حجم
lsvol Legal Sell Volume حجم فروش حقوقی
lscount Legal Sell Count تعداد فروش حقوقی
lsval Legal Sell Value ارزش فروش حقوقی
lsprice Legal Sell Price قیمت فروش حقوقی
lsvolpot Legal Sell Volume Percentage of Total درصد حجم فروش حقوقی از کل حجم
lpchg Legal to Person Ownership Transfer تغییر مالکیت حقوقی به حقیقی


basevol flow daymin daymax state
حجم مبنا بازار کمینه قیمت مجاز بیشینه قیمت مجاز وضعیت نماد


shares sharespot change companycode companyname
تعداد سهم درصد از کل سهام نوع تغییر کد شرکت نام شرکت

Some Notes

  • Instrument.Symbol characters are cleaned from zero-width characters, ك and ي.
  • The price adjustment algorithm is still a direct port of the official Windows app.
  • In Browser, the InstrumentAndShare data is stored in localStorage.
  • In Browser, the ClosingPrices data is stored in indexedDB.
  • In Node, data compression is done with the zlib module.
  • Renamed Symbols

    :برای منحصر به فرد بودن تمامی نمادها، نمادهای متشابه بر اساس الگوریتم زیر تغییر داده می شوند
    در صورت مواجه با نمادهای متشابه
        نمادهای متشابه بر اساس آخرین روزی که فعال بوده اند مرتب شده، سپس
        نمادی که دارای جدیدترین تاریخ است، دست نخورده باقی مانده، و
        به باقی نمادها یک خط تیره "-" و حرف "ق" و عدد جایگاه نماد در لیست مرتب شده اضافه می شود
    .نماد های تغییر داده شده را نمایش می دهد tse ls -R فرمان


A client for fetching stock data from the Tehran Stock Exchange (TSETMC). Works in Browser, Node and as CLI.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 86.0%Language:HTML 14.0%