rzvxa / kanvas

A simple resolution-handling library for LÖVE

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


kanvas is a simple resolution-handling library for LÖVE that allows you to focus on making your game with a fixed resolution.



This demo creates a 1280x720 resizable window and sets kanvas to an upscaled 800x600 resolution. Under the "Draw stuff here!" comment, add some drawing functions to see kanvas in action!

kanvas = require "kanvas"

love.window.setMode(1280, 720, {resizable = true}) -- Resizable 1280x720 window
kanvas.setupScreen(800, 600, {upscale = "normal"}) -- 800x600 game resolution, upscaled

-- Make sure kanvas follows LÖVE's resizes
function love.resize(width, height)
	kanvas.resize(width, height)

function love.draw()
		-- Draw stuff here!


After applying changes to LÖVE's window using love.window.setMode(), init kanvas:

kanvas.setupScreen(kanvasWidth, kanvasHeight, {upscale = ..., canvas = ...})

kanvasWidth and kanvasHeight represent kanvas's fixed resolution.

The last argument is a table containing settings for kanvas:

  • upscale (string): upscale kanvas's resolution to the current window size
    • "normal": fit to the current window size, preserving aspect ratio
    • "pixel-perfect": pixel-perfect scaling using integer scaling (for values ≥1, otherwise uses normal scaling)
    • "stretched": stretch to the current window size
  • canvas (bool): use and upscale canvas set to kanvas's resolution

Hook kanvas into the love.resize() function so that it follows LÖVE's resizes:

function love.resize(width, height)
	kanvas.resize(width, height)

Finally, apply kanvas transforms:

function love.draw()
		-- Draw stuff here!

Multiple shaders

Any method that takes a shader as an argument can also take a table of shaders instead. The shaders will be applied in the order they're provided.

Set multiple global shaders

kanvas.setShader({ shader1, shader2 })

Set multiple canvas-specific shaders

kanvas.setupCanvas({{name = "multiple_shaders", shader = {shader1, shader2}}})

Advanced canvases/shaders

kanvas provides basic canvas and shader functionality through the canvas flag in kanvas:setupScreen() and kanvas:setShader(), but you can also create additional canvases, name them for later use and apply multiple shaders to them.

Set up custom canvases:


-- e.g. kanvas.setupCanvas({{name = "foreground", shader = foregroundShader}, {name = "background"}})

Shaders can be passed to canvases directly through kanvas:setupCanvas(), or you can choose to set them later.

kanvas.setShader(canvasName, shader)

Then, you just need to draw your game on different canvases like you'd do with love.graphics.setCanvas():



Update settings:


Set a post-processing shader (will apply to the whole screen):

kanvas.setShader([canvasName], shader)

You don't need to call this every frame. Simply call it once, and it will be stored into kanvas until you change it back to something else. If no canvasName is passed, shader will apply to the final render. Use it at your advantage to combine shader effects.

Convert coordinates:

kanvas.toGame(x, y) -- Convert coordinates from screen to game (useful for mouse position)
-- kanvas.toGame will return false for values that are outside the game, be sure to check that before using them!

kanvas.toReal(x, y) -- Convert coordinates from game to screen

Get game dimensions:

kanvas.getWidth() -- Returns game width

kanvas.getHeight() -- Returns game height

kanvas.getDimensions() -- Returns kanvas.getWidth(), kanvas.getHeight()


A simple resolution-handling library for LÖVE



Language:Lua 100.0%