ryrun / Midifighter-Buttons

Renoise tool to set the midifighter button led's for the current instrument mappings.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Midifighter-Buttons Tool for Renoise

1. What is it

Its a simple renoise tool to setup the button led of the midifighter 3d device. It uses the sample mappings of the current selected instrument and activates the led via midi note on events for the corresponding buttons. It uses the mute groups of the sample mapping to determine the color for the button. So mappings with the same mute group will have the same color.

2. How to use it

The first sample mapping should start at C4. Just map each sample you want to play to one of the notes, that the midi fighter can trigger. Use mute groups to color the led. For drum you can use mute group 1 which will be colored blue.

When you are done, then just send the current mapping to the midi fighter via “Mainmenu->Tools->Set midifighter button led …”. You can also create a keyboard shortcut for it.

Please note, the global octave have impact on the incoming midi notes and it should be set to 5.



Renoise tool to set the midifighter button led's for the current instrument mappings.


Language:Lua 91.6%Language:Batchfile 8.4%