ryosuzuki / node-socket-server

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Node.js Socket.io Server


Download Unity Socket.io Library from here [https://github.com/Rocher0724/socket.io-unity/releases]

In Unity, navigate to

Build Settings > Player Settings > Other Settings > Configuration

and change

Api Compatibility Level: .NET 4.x

Also, note that npm socket.io library only works with v2.x, instead of 3.x or higher.


Install nmp packages in the terminal

npm install

Then, start server.js

node server.js

Then, access to http://localhost:3000/

You should be able to see the following log in the terminal

listening on 3000

and you should be able to see the following log in the browser web inspector

hello from server Thu Mar 04 2021 12:44:49 GMT-0700
hello from server Thu Mar 04 2021 12:44:50 GMT-0700
hello from server Thu Mar 04 2021 12:44:51 GMT-0700



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